A/N: About Part One...

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A/N: So part one is now private, which means not everyone can see it...for anyone who can't....here it is ( I apologize to those who can for the redundancy)


I stood up from Michael’s bunk, taking his hand in mine and helping him down. I peered back at him, biting my lips nervously as I guided him to the back lounge of their tour bus. I felt more comfortable being with Michael on their bus, there were always fewer people and the boys of 5SOS teased me far less than my own band mates.

I could feel the blush on my cheeks as I looked into his eyes. “I’ll be right back,” I whispered. He nodded as he stood pacing around the lounge, looking at the various gaming consoles.

I quietly walked to Ashton’s bunk where he was sitting watching a movie while Calum and Luke hung out in Luke’s bunk having a Friends marathon. I gently poked at Ashton’s shoulder to get his attention. He turned to me smiling as he paused the movie and moved the headphones off his ear. “What’s up Haz?” he asked me patting the bed in front of him as he saw the blush on my cheeks.

I sat in front of him on the bed, facing him as I fiddled with my thumbs. “I need to ask you a favour,” I said shyly as I stared at my hands.

“Yeah, sure, what is it?”

“Well...it’s two things really...” I mumbled. He looked at me, nodding with a small smile as he placed his hand on my knee to comfort me. “I umm,” I looked up to make sure Luke and Calum were still absorbed in their show, “Could I maybe borrow a condom?” I whispered. My cheeks were burning up in embarrassment.

“Yeah, any time,” he said smiling, gently rubbing circles on my knee. “I’m not too big, does standard size work for you or do you need something bigger?”

“Yeah, uh, standard’s good,” I muttered feeling even more embarrassed.

“Haz, don’t worry about it. I know you’d do the same for me. No worries mate, it will be our little secret, I won’t tell anyone.”

“Thanks,” I whispered with a sheepish smile.

“What’s the other thing?” he asked curiously.

“Oh, umm, right. I was just...would you mind, you know, keeping Calum and Luke up here? Mikey and I didn’t really want it to be so public in his bunk so we thought maybe the back lounge would be a little more private.”

 “Yeah, of course.” He reached up, rubbing my shoulder softly. “Don’t worry so much. I know you guys like your privacy and get embarrassed easily, but really, have fun tonight, enjoy it. Don’t let us being here stop you from really taking it all in. Supposedly that room is soundproof anyways mate.”

I nodded slowly and shyly, getting up and standing on my feet. “Harry,” Ashton called from his bed.

 I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Do you want any lube?” he asked me softly. I blushed a bright red and gave him a small nod as he passed me a small packet.

He smiled at me once more before turning back to his screen. “Oh and Haz?” he called back, “be gentle for him, he told me how nervous he is about your first time.”

“Always,” I smiled back with pink cheeks.

I eagerly strode my way back to Michael, pressing the button to close the door to the back lounge on my way to planting a loving kiss to his lips. I took his hand in mine and guided him to the couch. I took a seat and patted my lap telling him to sit with me.

With pink, rosy cheeks Michael hesitantly straddled my lap, his knees on either side of my body as he sat down on me. He pressed his lips to mine shyly, lightly rubbing our lips together. I let my hands run up and down his back, gently caressing the soft fabric of his shirt before resting my hands on his hips. I slid my hands up under the light fabric and rubbed soft circles into his warm skin.

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