Welcome to the Underworld

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Persephone, not even knowing what was happening, clutched onto the fur coat of whoever grabbed her for fear of falling into the windy darkness. Her heart pounded in her chest as she buried her head into the black fur in an attempt to block out the awful sound of the wind beating into her ears. Then, everything went silent. 

She looked up at the person whom she was holding on so tightly to. As she looked up, her green eyes locked with a set of deep gray ones. He then stepped off of the chariot and stood before her. It was only then that she could really examine him. He was tall and thin with gray and black furs cloaked on his shoulders that dragged across the floor. His face was lean and tall as well, and his cheekbones were sharp.. But it was his eyes that startled her the most. They were a light grey, yet they had a certain deepness to them. His eyes showed his traits, gentle, wise, calm... and something else. His eyes looked like he had seen death. 

"Who are you?", she asked accusingly to her captor.

He turned towards her. "Hades.", he replied. His voice was calm and quiet, yet strong in a way. His mere presence startled her.

"What do you want with me? Where are we? Why did you take me?"she angrily asked.

"Slow down", he replied, "All will be revealed to you. Come." 

He reached his hand out towards her. She stood there, staring into his skull. Getting the point, he withdrew his outreached hand and beckoned her to follow. Seeing as there was no where else to go, Persephone followed.

"You are here because Zeus has agreed to our betrothal." he said. Persephone stopped in shock.

"Father..", she began, feeling the anger swell up in her, "did WHAT?!" 

Hades turned back towards her, surprised at the outburst.

"How could this happen? Mother would never allow it." she said, almost talking to herself.

Hades answered her, "He didn't consult Demeter in this matter. But what Zeus says is law, and there isn't really anything that she can do about it." 

He beckoned her to walk in front of him, the passageway was getting narrow.

She stepped in front of him, "My mother will raise hell when finds out about my disappearance." He didn't respond. They just kept walking. It was only then that she noticed the wailing again.

"What's that sound?" she asked.

"It's the souls of the mortals." Hades responded nonchalantly. "They are what brought you here. Their screams compelled you to come aid them. I'm glad they chose you.  Compassion is what my queen will need."

She whipped her head towards him. "Queen?" she said. She felt anger rise up in her again. "There is no way, in the name of Olympus, that I'd marry you." she said.

 Hades raised his eyebrows and gave a soft smile at her defiant passion.

"What are you smiling about?" she spat.

"You," he responded, "I knew you were Demeter's daughter, but I didn't know you were so much like her. Your father did say you were a handful." 

The mention of her father made her cheeks grow red with hatred. She hated her father. She hated him for doing this to her. 

Hades led her to a bedroom. "This is your room.", he explained. "I understand that the Underworld is cold, so I brought you furs for your bedding. What's mine is yours, you may go anywhere you please, for this kingdom will be yours one day."

"It will never be my kingdom." she said.

Hades turned from her and started to leave. He tilted his head back towards her, and added gently, "You are safe here. It is the safest place for you." 

"Safer than my home?" Persephone spat, her ears burning. 

"Safe from man, a dominion where man is the lesser. That's the safest place you can be, when man has no power." 

She stared at him in disbelief. 

"You disgust me." 

He turned towards her, and looked a bit hurt. "I know how you must feel about this, but I am not as bad as you think I am. I will never make you do anything that you don't wish. I swear it. I swear on my kingdom that everyone will be respectful and gentle around you. Including myself." 

He turned from her and closed the doors to her room, giving her one last look before he exited. 

"Welcome to the Underworld."

Hades and Persephone (Greek Mythology Retelling)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя