Part two:

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Continuing since I got a vote and I really want to finsih this story! :3 Sorry if I use game details in this Fanfiction, I love both the Anime and the Game but some parts work better so I may alternate XD

It was pitch black. I looked around but my eyes hadn't adjusted yet. The floor was rough and when I went to put my hand back there was an empty space like a void of cold air.

"Guys? Ms. Yui? Satoshi? Naomi? Seiko?" I called into the darkness.

A grunt came from my left but I dared not move away from it encase I found another void.

"Shi-shi-Shinozaki?" A voice grumbled, as another mumble came from my right.

"Satoshi? Is that you Satoshi?" I asked quietly,

"It's me, Yoshiki. Are you Shinozaki?"

"Yeah. There's someone else here..."

The grumble came again and I thought I could hear it mumbling names of my friends.

"I think it's Ms. Yui, light one of your candles Ayumi." Kishinuma ordered,

Once the candle was lit the room was revealed. An Elementary school, or so it looked. The floor had broken at many points and there was an unfamiliar scent to the air. Ms. Yui was sprawled out on the floor.

"Ms. Yui!" Me and Yoshiki called over the gap in the floorboards.

She slowly sat up grumbling "Shinozaki and Kishinuma?"

"Yes, yes" I said " Ms. Yui we're seperated by a hole but me and Kishinuma will come around to you, okay?"

She nodded in agrement. So me and Kishinuma walked out into the hall where it was just as beaten up and through the other door, "Class 1A" it said on a plaque next to it. Ms. Yui was sat up and was mostly awake when we got to her. She babled on about how we should've stayed, and her come to us and how we need to be carefull and if we were okay.

"We're fine Miss." Kishinuma said "We're together at least, I wonder where the others are."

"I suppose, I hope we find them all before something happens, you all mean so much to me" Ms. Yui said looking ashamed "It's my fault, I should've sent you home."

"No, we're all going to be okay and we'll get out together..." Kishinuma said with a half reasuring smile,

"Yeah, we'll all be okay!" I said trying to back him up,


I was glad that even though we woke up here, in this place that I was with Ayumi, and Ms. Yui. Once we'd all got in one space, not seperated by gaping holes in the flooring, we sat down to think about what we needed to do. Ms. Yui wanted to go out and look for others, and Shinozaki wanted to stay here. After some protesting Ms. Yui went out alone after hearing a scream and I stayed put with Ayumi.

Ayumi was shaking and making noises "I can't take it here, I hate it!" she was saying under her breath,

"Shinozaki calm down, it'll be okay." I tried to comfort her but she pushed me away,

"You're so stupid, so stupid Kishinuma! Why am I stuck with you? Why didn't I end up near Satoshi?"

I backed away from her, words hurt even me. I know she doesn't love me, but does she have to rub it in my face that she wants Satoshi so much more?

"Shinozaki...I..." I whispered to myself,

She turned around her eyes watering "I didn't mean it Kishinuma, you're good enough...for now."

"We'll find Satoshi, and then you can be with him."

"Oh...I didn't mean it, I apologised to you!" She started hiting me in the chest and pushing me,

"Shinozaki calm down, I'm just doing what you want!"

She stopped "Ok...I just..." She blew her nose on my shirt,

"Ew, what was that for?!" I shouted,

"Don't be so blunt you stupid boy!" She said "I've told you a million times!"

"That's disgusting, don't do that again..."

It had been a while since Ms. Yui left so we wrote a note and left it for her and set out to search for her.

Suddenly at the end of the hall a little boy appeared.

"Gihhh it baccccc" He slurred "Gihhh it bacccc"

"Ayumi, run, we need to run." I whispered to her,

"He's...he's in so much pain Yoshiki, it hurts so much. He's so sad...AHHHHHHHH, UGH, ULLLGHHHAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, I can't take this!" She screamed running down the hall,

"HEY! Shinozaki don't split up with me!" I shouted running after her,


I didn't mean to run but it hurt so bad. My head was splitting with his misery and pain, I couldn't stay anywhere near him. I didn't mean to leave Yoshiki behind...

Stopping here for tonight, if I get another vote or comment then I'll write another chapter or if I'm just in the mood for it XD ;3

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