Chapter I

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Hey!!!!! Just wanted to mention that I will be in this story as your best friend XD. Also;
{Y/N}= your name
{L/N}= your surname
{M/N}= your middle name
{F/C}= favorite colour
{F/N}= full name(yea I'm lazy)
Sighing, I turned my attention to the note my best friend, Kyle, passed me.

So. . . Who's your crush? I wanna know, I wanna know I wanna know. . .

And they filled the ripped page. Earlier in the day, I made the mistake of telling him that I liked someone, just to get him off my back. It wasn't true, of course.

"Mr {L/N}! Have you been paying attention at all?" My bitch of a teacher, Mrs. Cocuzza, yelled at me.

I groaned and nodded. Slightly. As much as I wanted to yell something vulgar, I didn't want to get in trouble. Again. Thankfully, she went back to teaching.

About an hour and a half later, the long ass class ended and school was miraculously done for the weekend. I half-ran half-skipped to my locker to get my stuff, and saw my school known enemy, Peter god damn Parker, standing at his locker. Which was right next to mine, may I add.

"Parker," I snapped coldly, doing the combination on my lock.

"{L/N}," he snapped back, equally as cold. I slammed open my locker door and shoved my stuff in, before grabbing my bag. Parker did the same and turned to walk back to his current boyfriend, Wade Wilson. It was weird how someone on the football team could get a nerd like Parker to date him. But Wilson was strange like that.

He nodded to me, "{L/N}."

I nodded back out of curtesy for my fellow football player. "Wilson," I said and turned, only to almost slam into Kyla. "Jesus Christ Ky. I almost knocked you over!" I joked. Truth was, I was about a head shorter than my 6-foot best friend.

Kyle snorted, "Wow shortie," he said, and I smacked him in the shoulder.

"Fuck you," I said, walking around him and continuing my way through the crowd.

"Love you too, buddy!" I heard him yell back in my direction. This time it was my turn to snort.

Finally, I felt the warm spring breeze on my face. I breathed in the air happily. "Fuck school, fuck life, fuck Parker, fuck everything~" I sang to myself softly.

Climbing up the bus steps, I sat in my usual seat in the back. I looked out the window and guess who caught my attention. Peter fuckin' Parker. He kissed Wilson on the cheek and got on the bus. I rolled my eyes at them. Oh, also guess which bus he was on? Right. Mine.

I took my phone and earbuds out of my bag, shoving them in my ear. Earbuds I mean. I scrolled through my music, deciding on some MCR. Pressing on the playlist, it started playing and I closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes next, it was one stop before mine. And Parkers. Did I mention we were fucking neighbours? Life is a bitch sometimes.

The bus stopped and I pushed passed Parker, who nearly god damn tripped me, to get off the bus. I took the keys out of my pocket, walking up to the door. Unlocking it, I paused my music and walked inside.

"Tessa! I'm home!" I called, knowing that my sister was probably home. A muffled noise came from the living room. I dropped my bag on the bench just inside the door and walked into the living room. There, my sister was laying on the couch, shoving a pillow into her face. "Hey," I said quietly, sitting beside where she was laying. She twitched. I decided it would be a good thing to leave her alone. "I'm going to do some homework."

Standing, I walked out of the living room and grabbed my bag. Going up the stairs two at a time, I got up to my room faster and closed the door. I opened the window and saw I spider climb into my room. I didn't care, in fact, I kind of liked them.
I sat at my desk, taking out my 13-million pages of fucking homework. I shoved my earbuds in my ears again and started, not noticing that the spider had just climbed in my shirt.

Clinging(Peter Parker/Spider-man x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now