"Hi!" I chirped happily, hopping off of the bar stool. "It's Carter. I got your message on Facebook. And its okay, I managed through it." 

A soft chuckle came from his end. "Well, hello Carter. Thanks for giving me a call." 

"You're welcome. I didn't have much more to do!" 

"So, I'm your last savior from boredom? That’s wonderful," he replied, voice full of sarcasm, "Where's Jacob- I mean Justin at?" 

A smile crawled onto my lips, "He's at the studio. But anyways do you want to go for coffee later? I don't like staying at the house when I'm by myself." 

There was a hefty cough, "Yeah sure! Starbucks?" 

I nodded, "Sounds good. 12 o'clock?" 

"Sounds like a plan, Stan!" Mark laughed at his own horrible joke. 

I chuckled a bit too. "Alright. See you then. Bye, Mark." 

"Bye, Carter." The line went dead. 

I looked down at the screen when the call ended. It was only 10:35 so I had plenty of time to shower. 

That's exactly what I did. I made my way up to the bathroom and turned on the faucet, waiting for the right water temperature. Once it was reached, I peeled off my pajamas and stepped into the hot shower. 

Relief flooded my body as the water pelted my back, relaxing my muscles. I took my vanilla scented shampoo and thoroughly washed my hair, followed by a nice conditioning. 

After washing my body, I turned off the water and prepared myself for the cool air of the outside world. 

Getting fed up, I took a daring step out of the shower and immediately wrapped a towel around my body. 

"Now what to wear?" I asked myself looking through countless tops, finally settling on a purple and black checkered top with a pair of white shorts; accompanied by a pair of boat shoes. 

By the time I was dressed it was already 11:15. Did I take that long of a shower? Speaking of long, I hope Justin doesn't get too exhausted working these long days in the studio. It's just an album. I know it's his career but he definitely doesn't need to overwork himself! That's just unhealthy! 

Another 10 minutes had gone by. Great. 

I quickly dried my hair and applied minimal makeup. I quickly texted Justin what I was doing, 

'Hey. Going out for coffee with Mark. See ya later.'

"Carter! How are you?" Mark's voice came from a table in the back of Starbucks. His sudden outburst gave me a slight jump. 

"I'm good, Mark. How are you?" I asked in return, hugging him. 

He hugged me back and pulled away. "I'm fine. Would you like some coffee?" 


I quickly ordered and received my caramel frappichino. Mark and I took a seat back at the table. 

"So how have you been? Since dinner?" Mark asked breaking the growing silence. 

How have I been? I guessed I had been good. I've had a couple headaches along with a few odd cravings. Not to mention an odd addiction to pickles lately. "I've been great. A few headaches here and there. No biggy." 

He chuckled sipping his latte, slowly, "You sure? I mean, are headaches natural?" 

Huh? What is Mark talking about? Getting headaches are a natural occurrence that everybody gets, so why is he pestering me?

"I normally get them once a week or so. Its been happening for about a month or so." 

He nodded, "Oh. Okay." 

  - Justin-  

"If I could just die in your arms I wouldn't mind 'Cause every time you touch me I just die in your arms, ooh it feels so right. So baby, baby, please don't stop, girl

Ooh baby, I know loving you ain't easy But it sure is worth a try

Ooh, if there is a reason to call me a fool 'Cause I love too hard, are there any rules, baby? If this a lesson then baby, teach me to behave Just tell me what I gotta do, just to stay right next to you" I sang into the microphone, hearing my voice get played back in the head phones. 

After I finished that verse Scooter was standing outside of the booth clapping. Then the speaker was activated and I could hear his voice. "Justin, Justin, JUSTIN. This is going to be the next big hit! Lets run it from the top and by the way, you sound wonderful!" 

"Give me a minute. Carter texted me!" I said back, receiving a nod in return. 

I pulled out my phone and smiled at the first text, 'Hey! Cute note btw, love you. Have a good day!' 

Then I moved onto the second text, 
'Hey. Going out for coffee with Mark. See ya later.' Mark? Beth's stepson? Why was she going to get coffee with him? 

I shook my mind of all negative thoughts and texted her back, ' Have fun. Love you too babe.' 

Scooter spoke through the microphone again. "Justin! From the top!"

I entered this into the WattyAwards 2012! So vote for it if you like/love it! I mean vote for every chapter guys! ;)

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