The Darkest Knight

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The boy with serious blue eyes sat alone in his room, at the desk that was his father's, when she appeared, his girlfriend, the only thing that kept his twelve year old mind sane when his parents died.

"Hey, kiddo, what cha doin?" she asked, hopping down from his window ledge into his room.

"Why can you never use the door, S?" he asks her jokingly, already knowing her answer.

"But then you wouldn't love me if I was predictable," she teases, a smile coming to her face.

"No... I guess not," he says, as he sits beside her holding her hand.

How they met was a strange tale. Upon his return from his parents funeral, he opened the door to his room to find this beautiful black-haired girl lounging on his bed.

"Oh, hi, I'm...." she started to talk, to tell him her name, but seeing the sadness, fear, longing, and loss in his vivid blue eyes, she ran across the room and just held him. From that moment on S had taken it upon her self to make him laugh and smile again, make him hope again.

Back in the present, S had a surprise for him.

"Hey, guess what I got!" she said reaching into her backpack.

"What?" he replied, excited to see what she had. His girlfriend always had the coolest stuff in her backpack, he loved watching her smile as she showed him stuff, even though he was the richer of the two she never let money come between them.

S took out a small, beautiful black & white kitten out and she held it out to him.

"It's so cute, S... but not as cute as you," he replied, making her smile with his corny line, he loved to make her smile.

"I'm thinking of calling her Zebra, what do you think?" she asked.

"You can't call a kitten Zebra, S" he answered.

Hearing the noise of the boy's guardian coming down the hall, S grabbed her kitten, carefully putting Zebra back into her special pocket in her backpack S had made for the kitten, and quickly ran for the window.

"Gotta go, kiddo, love you," S said all at once to the boy before she disappeared, a second before the boy's guardian opened the door.

"Your dinner is ready, young sir," he said in his educated, clipped, English accent.  "Come along, Master Bruce."

"Okay, Alfred," the boy replied, looking at the window ledge. I love you, Selina Kyle he thought to his girlfriend, hoping she could love Bruce Wayne just as much.


Gotham City, home to insanity, chaos, power a plenty. The government officials are marred in scandal, the GCPD are overwhelmed and corrupt, and the general public are scared.

The bright lights of the city create the ever increasing shadows that the towns criminal element use to hide... But they weren't the only ones hiding in the shadows.

"Tell Maroni, I'm not feeling it tonight," the criminal says.

"What are you worrying about... him? Don't be soft, he's not been seen in months," the Maroni hood taunts.

High above them, Batman smiles. They missed me, it's good to be home.

"Are you going to do anything about them, sir?" Alfred says though the cowl's communication unit.

"Not tonight, Alfred, Sal Maroni is not the biggest fish in the pond tonight," he responds.

"Well then... who is the big fish?" Alfred asks.

A mile away Catwoman stalked the rooftops enraged by the mistake she had made.

I never should have trusted that idiot Penguin, she thinks to her self, leaning back against a wall. I can't believe I didn't see it coming.

He stole my jewels! Goddamn Penguin!

The sound behind Selina startled her, because it would've been barely audible to anyone but her.

"You're back then," she says, turning to face The Batman. "Find the bottom of that whiskey bottle did we? Or was it violence that you beat yourself with?"

Before he had a chance respond, Catwoman jumped off the rooftop and was gone.

I deserved that, he thought to himself.

"Master Bruce, I'm reading heavy activity near the GCPD headquarters," Alfred offers.

"Understood, Alfred," Batman responds.

"Are you sure you're ready for this, Sir?"

"I guess we'll find out."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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