second kiss

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november 1984
hawkins, indiana.

the first time they hugged, a few hours ago, had nothing to do with this one. it's as if he hadn't had the time to take her in. although he never gave up on her, he wasn't certain if she was alive, he didn't know if he'd get to feel her again. so their first hug, was sweet, and dramatic, and full of surprise.

this one though, they just— melted onto each other, it almost felt natural the way she tucked her face in the crook of his neck and how he buried his on her shoulder. how his hands were tightly around her back and hers around his waist.

and it felt so good. the warmth. he wished they could've stayed like that forever, but hopper sadly interrupted the moment— again. although this time, mike understood. el looked beautiful, of course, but also exhausted. mike pulled away from their embrace to look at her. her cheeks were tear-stained, her upper lip and nose were all covered in dried blood. her eyes looked tired as hell, but she tried her best to keep them open, he could notice. she needed rest.

"you made it. you saved us" he whispered, arms still around her.

"i promised" she grinned.

"alright, kid, let's get you inside"

el nodded, and hopper tried to pull her in, but she refused. instead, she leaned closer to mike. he wrapped his arms around her again, this time instead of embracing her, he held her, helped her to stay on her feet. mike looked up at hopper, waiting for some kind of approval (even though he didn't really need one, this was el. his el. if she needed him, he'd do anything to be there for her).

hopper did not intimidate him whatsoever, at least not after their fight, not for now. he nodded and so mike and el started walking across the porch.

joyce waited for them at the frame of the door, with a blanket in hand ready to wrap it around el and an apologetic smile.

"hey sweetie" she smiled, wrapping the blanket around the small girl. mike helped her.

"come in with me, wait in my bedroom while i prepare the bath" she said softly, already wrapping her arms around her.

el stopped her, though. she looked back at mike, who was standing behind her with a reassuring smile, as if it was okay to go with her. el knew that, she knew she was safe with joyce. but that wasn't what she was seeking in him. she tugged on his sleeve, and grabbed his hand, interlocking their fingers, "come?" she asked.

how could he say no to her? mike nodded, taking a step forward. when he was close enough, she brought his arm around her waist, were it used to be moments ago (at this, mike became a blushing mess). joyce smiled sweetly, her arms replaced by mike's. el rested her head on his shoulder.

"you two go to my room, okay? i'll tell you when the bath is ready" she told them, to which mike nodded.

they walked across the living room slowly, mike looked around, his friends were sprawled everywhere, sleeping.

hopper and joyce looked at the pair as they walked into their living room.

"aren't they cute?" joyce smiled.

he hummed.

"oh hop, let them live a little, would ya?" she frowned, hitting his arm and then crossing her arms against her chest.

"there" mike breathed, helping her to settle on the corner of the bed.

he started to walk away, but she tugged on his sleeve again, whining.

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