To Mend the Pieces

Start from the beginning


The battle moved into a clearing of sorts, trees flanking every side, and Sarutobi was losing ground. How odd it was that, in Naruto's original dimension, these two were private allies, Sarutobi aiding in Orochimaru's gathering of resources, i.e.  the orphans of the village, yet here that battled ferociously, as if they had always been bitter enemies. Naruto followed the fight, undetected by either side's forces, and watched with cold, calculating eyes. The barrier arose, although partially weak due to the missing other missing members of the squad, and the other members of both side's forces were locked outside. Each person who held up the barrier were encased with a protective barrier, preventing the Leaf Nin forces from attacking them and preventing them from maintaining the barrier.

The shadowed figure smirked again, his glowing eyes flaring with excitement. It was almost time.


Naruto's eyes widened, his light yellow pupils contrasting with his glowing blue irises, as he realized the time to strike had arrived. He removed his mask, deeming it unnecessary, and smiled dangerously. His eyes narrowed, pupils contracting, and he readied himself.


Orochimaru raised his blade, grin stretching his face beyond human capabilities, muscles taut in preparation of the oncoming strike. He never made it. Something, another blade, stabbed deep into his flesh, slicing open the left subclavian. However, the moment the blow had been made, the person jumped back, easily avoiding the large sword that had been swung his way. The cloaked figure's smirk was the only of his features viewable to either of the aged ninja, the dripping blade having, oddly enough, been removed rather than being left behind. Orochimaru's eyes widened as the once delayed pain came to full realization.

He screamed like he had never done before, which, had the circumstances been different, would have confused him. He had been harmed far worse in the past, so why did this injury pain him so severely? The person's blade had been barbed, small bits of skin and muscle having followed the peculiar kunai when it had left Orochimaru's flesh, and blood had been flowing at an alarming rate, far too quickly to be normal. Even the parts of him that hadn't been effected felt horrible, as if all of the surrounding tissue had been charred individually and completely without the nerves losing their ability to send messages to the black haired man's brain. It was overwhelming.

The cloaked person grabbed Orochimaru by his left arm, grip tightening quickly, and spun halfway, launching the man into a tree.

"Who-what the hell are you?!" Sarutobi demanded, unable to believe what had just happened. Throughout the previous battle and every other one to have come before it, Orochimaru had been far quicker in his responses, far more capable, even displaying this during the moment just before the person-no-the creature before him had struck. The cloaked figure tilted his head at Sarutobi, mouth falling into a slight frown, bemused.

"What?" A voice, Naruto's, asked, devoid of the harshness and cruelty he had displayed. He tilted his head the other way for a moment, glancing over towards where he had launched the now slumped figure of Orochimaru.
"Oh, him?" Naruto's voice asked, curiosity evident. The innocence he had displayed evaporated as a sinister mirth overtook him.
"Oh, don't worry about him, he's-wait," he cut himself off, seeming to realize something.
"I guess you might want to worry about him, I mean, I've never tried that technique on a living creature before, so I don't know the long term effects, not to mention the definite blood loss he's facing in the short term, but that's besides the point!" He pointed dramatically at Sarutobi, who only now noticed the slight blue glow that inhabited the space where the cloak's wearer's eyes would be.
"You should really be worrying about yourself right now, Sarutobi-San.~" Naruto cooed

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