Joining the Treblemakers

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It's been a month since Liv got into Barden University. She's been doing well although she haven't join any clubs. It was morning, Liv doesn't have any class for that morning. Then Dr. Mitchell came into the sister's room. "Hey girls. Beca, i don't see this is intro to Philosophy class" Dr. Mitchell said while sitting on Beca's bed. "If i didn't skip that class, will it still be boring?" Beca ask while getting up. "Come on Beca. You've been here like what? A month now? Do you even have any friends?" Dr. Mitchell asks worried. "I've been close with Liv." Beca lied. "Never did people! Never did." Liv said disapprovingly while put on her headphones so she doesn't need to hear Beca's argument with their dad. Beca glared at Liv for not helping her lie. As expected Beca and her dad argue a lot about Beca's life choices. Liv who was minding her own business just turn up the volume.

Audition day. Liv has signed up to one of the Acapella team. Everybody sings so beautifully. Liv got nervous. When it's her turn, she start to sing calmly. She sings as if no one is watching her. After she finishes, she heard applause. She was so proud of herself. She went back to the backstage and watching other people audition. Then it was finished. At least that's what she thought. She suddenly notice Beca is there. She was called by the ginger-haired girl. "Will you look at that. My step sister miraculously appear ladies and gentleman." Liv said after seeing Beca. Beca start to sing a cup song. Liv listens to Beca singing. Then Liv smiled. "She's a great singer." Liv said approvingly. It's the first time that Liv is happy to see Beca do something great.

A few hours later. It's time for initiation. All the people who got auditioned covered their heads with a small sack. Liv got a maroon sack on her head. She was told to hold someone's shoulder. Then they start to walk. Liv have no idea where she's going. She just follow the guy in front of her. After walking for some time she stopped and was told to face right. "Well well well. Look who got into Trebles." said the leader. Then they lift the head covers. Liv was shocked to what she's seeing. She's in an all male group. Then she looked around with the other guys who's also recruited.. "She's a girl?!" Ask one of the boys. "Nothing's impossible dude. Nothing's impossible." said one of the boys who's called Donald. "No Benji?" ask one of the new members. Liv doesn't really care. Liv starts to mingle with the other members. Then the leader who's name is Bumper gave Liv a Trebles scarf, sweatshirt, and blazer. "Wait. This is too big for me. Can i modify it?" Liv ask while lifting up her new blazer. "Do whatever you want baby girl." Donald said. Well looks like that settles it.

After getting to know to all of the Trebles, Bumper invite everyone including the freshman to the Aca-initiation. It was quite a party at the Aca-Initiation. Liv could get to know other Acapella members. She saw Beca there. Then she just took herself a drink and stood by herself at the bleachers. Then she saw the blondie girl she met last time. "Hey! I don't think i've properly introduced myself" said the blondie. "Well yeah. I'm Olivia. You can call me Liv." Liv said extending her hand to the blondie. "Hey Liv! I'm Aubrey. I'm the leader of the Barden Bellas" Aubrey said shaking hands with Liv. "It's too bad you're with the douchebags. If you join the Bellas, you'll be loved more" Aubrey said full of pity. "Well i'm good at my current team Aubs but i'll consider a transfer okay? Just take care my sister for me." Liv answered. "Sister? Who's your sister?" Aubrey looks puzzled. "I do know Beca is in your team. Beca is my sister, and she's a good singer. You're so lucky to have her." Liv said proudly to Aubrey. Aubrey seems displeased with what Liv said. "Anyways, i gotta go. Bye!" Liv said while leaving. Aubrey looked at Liv who then go to talk with Beca. "Congrats on joining Bellas Bec! Hope you enjoy hanging out with the blonde bitch." Liv said while looking at Aubrey. Beca smirks and said "That girl has a name Liv and it's Aubrey." Liv just laughed and continue to talk about Aubrey with Beca.

A few days later. Liv just got back from Trebles practice. It was quite tiring practicing with the boys but she did have fun. Liv just sat on her desk and listen to the song that they're gonna sing on the ICCA. A few minutes later Beca walked in looking just as tired. "So how's practice?" Liv asks turning her head to Beca. Beca slammed her body on her bed and said "Aubrey sucks. She doesn't like me." Liv looks puzzled and asked again "What do you mean?" Beca suddenly sat on her bed looking straight to Liv's eyes. "She hates me Liv" Liv just smiled and turn her back on Beca. "What?" Beca asked. "I can tell that she loves me more" Liv said wearing her headphones. Beca scoffs then lie back down on her bed and said "Whatever Liv"

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