prologue !

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november 13th, 1992

i did, i finally did it. they all told me it would lead to my death, but it was the exact opposite. she accepted me, she accepted me in every single way. i'm pretty positive it's the first time a mortal has known of witch kind & didn't run away screaming bloody murder. who would've thought i would fall as deeply in love with her as i have. who would've thought that we would not only be celebrating 3 years together, but celebrating a whole new milestone in our relationship. this is the girl i want to marry, witch or not. i am hell bent on that.

— c.s.b.

june 21st, 1995

today, i asked her to marry me. mad, i know, but i asked her, & she accepted. she told me yes & said that she was never more sure in her life that i was the man she wanted to marry. we're already planning the wedding & trying to set the date. my sisters think i've fallen off my rocker, but i could care less about what they say. i could care less about what anybody in the church says. i just can't wait till the day that we get to say our i do's.

— c.s.b.

october 31st, 1998

our little girl is finally in the world, breathing happily & healthily. we love her so much, she's the best thing to happen to either of us. she's peaceful, that's for sure. i don't think i've ever seen a baby as calm as she is. she'll definitely be someone to do something amazing, i know it. i just can't wait to watch her grow up into an outstanding woman. my little girl. my little salem grace.

— c.s.b.

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