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*warning this book deals with depression, suicide and vulgar language. *

/Harry POV/

I don't know how my life has come to this, I was once a boy that always smiled, always laughed and I always was happy. But all of that was forgotten. I fake smile, I don't really laugh anymore and I am certainly not happy.

I live with my nan now, after my parents died, my grandmother took me in. I never actually met my parents nor have I even seen a single picture of them. They are forgotten. Just like the rest of my memories.

I don't know what went wrong, one day I just lost control and blinded out all emotions. My nan tried to get me help but nothing worked. I'm just depressed.


"Harry, darling?" Nan interrupts my always negative thoughts.

"Yes?" I look at her and she's frowning. "You think to much." She continues to frown.

"I like to think."

"It's not good." She signs.

"I should get to work." I head downstairs to the bakery we live below. I slip on the black apron over my grey sweater and go behind the counter that several customers are already waiting in front of.

"Hello, what can I get you?" I ask the lady that's first in line.

"A chocolate chip muffin please." She smiles but I don't return the smile, I don't want to.

After working for several hours my shift is over and Nan comes down for the next shift. I head up to my room and I'm depressed all over again. My room is so dull and full of negative energy. I'm lonely. No one is really there for me besides my Nan and my only friend Zayn, but he's got his own friends that I don't really bother with.

I sit down on my bed and think. It's a nasty habit of mine, I think too much. My thoughts drive me over the edge, I'm constantly overthinking. What sets me off the most is that I don't even know how I became how I am today. There wasn't a single cause, I just became depressed.

Everyone at my school thinks it's funny how I am but no one says anything to my face, just whispers and rumors. It's my last year at that hell, so at least I have one thing to be thankful for. And since I'm a senior I only have four classes and I'm out of school pretty quick.

I don't know what my future holds and frankly I barely see a future for myself.

I'm lost, so very lost.

My Nan says, "'Hope for the best'" but there's is no hope and I got scars to prove it.


Hello! here's the first chapter I know it's short but it's just a little info about harry. the next update should be up sometime next week! thank you for the support and reading!

I love you all so much!

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xoxo Hal xoxo

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