{5} || I Will Always Love You

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry."

His arms wrapped around my neck tightly before falling limp, making my eyes water up even more. A sob racked itself from my chest, I stayed like that, my face buried in his neck, his arms around my neck limply.

Draco. I love you.

"Awh.. poor baby girl, lost her boyfriend." I heard a sickening voice croak. Whirling around, I came face to face with Greyback, who held my wand. He snapped it in my face, chuckling to himself. "Time to die."

I pushed myself into Draco, then I felt something poking me in my back. Draco's wand. Without a second thought, I grabbed his wand and pointed it at the werewolf, the monster.

"Avada Kedavra." The spell fell out of my lips like water, and a bright blue light shot out of my boyfriends wand, hitting the werewolf in the chest. He fell backwards, multiple times, and hit a wall. Dead.
I stood up, emotionless as I stared down at Draco Malfoy, who laid on the ground lifeless. His eyes were closed peacefully and his lips parted, his arms laying across his chest. My eyes dart down to my left hand, the ring sits on my ring finger. I'm never taking it off. Ever.

"{Y/N}!" I heard someone(s) yell, Luna and Ginny. "Oh my god!"
Just as their arms wrap around me, my legs give out and we all sink to the ground. Sobs rack my chest and I scream out in pain, the hole in my heart is too much to handle.

"I'm so sorry." Ginny whispers, slowly helping me back up. "Draco's in a better place now."
I cannot stop myself from crying, my eyes are red and I'm trembling. Only Draco can calm me down.

"Episkey." I choke out, Draco's wand tightly in my hand as I point it at him. "Episkey!"
"Stop, Stop. {Y/N}, you cannot heal this." Luna says gently, her hand rubbing my back.
"Episkey!" I keep screaming, over and over.

I cannot save him. I know that.


I don't stop until Ginny tears his wand out of my hand, her eyes full of unshed tears.
"Don't do this to yourself babe."
"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I scream, tears running down my face. "DON'T! ONLY DRACO!"

"{Y/N}?" Miss McGonagall's voice rings out and my head snaps up. "Honey."

"Don't. Please." I whimper, slowly crawling back towards Draco, my hands gripping his. "Come back, please. Episkey."

I'm pulled off of him, screaming and crying. I'm screaming his name. His parents faces are pale as they watch their sons girlfriend panic. They watch her crumble.

I love you Draco.


I smile softly at my husband as he ushers our son, Scorpius Draco Heartwood out into the kitchen, his platinum blonde hair whipping in every which direction. His pale blue eyes reflect him. Draco.
It turns out, I was pregnant when Draco died, with our child. He wanted a little boy, and he wanted his name to be Scorpius.

I didn't forget. I could never.

"Babe?" My husband, Eli, asks softly, his rough hands cupping my face. "Deep breath okay?"
I force myself to nod my head. "Got it baby."
His engagement ring sits on my left ring finger, but on my right ring finger sits Draco's ring. One I refuse to take off.

"Come on, lets bring him to the train."

"I think I'm going to stay home." I whisper, placing a kiss on my sons forehead.

It's been 11 years. I can't go back.

"I love you." Eli whispers, pecking my lips softly.
"You too." I reply, slowly sitting down on the couch.
I've never been able to tell another person but Scorpius I love them too. I can't.
Eli nods slowly, his eyes scanning my lifeless ones over. "Be safe." He murmurs, and then I watch both of them go out the door.

Scorpius is an exact replica of Draco, it hurts too much. My baby boy.

"Peek-a-boo." A hauntingly familiar voice laughs. "I've got you. Avada Kedavra!"

Then everything goes dark.


"Baby." A soft voice whispers in my ear. "Wake up."
At first I think it's Eli, but no, when I open my eyes I'm surprised to see a familiar pair of blue eyes staring into mine.

Draco smiles at me as I sit up, holding his hand out for me to grab.


"You're dead, princess." Draco answers. "Eli just found out."
"Make him happy." I whisper, folding my arms around my babes torso. "Don't let him hurt because of me."

"He knew it was coming." Draco whispers back, kissing my temple. "He knew you were going to leave him in a way. He's not upset."

"Is Scorpius?" I whisper, looking up at Draco. "Is our baby okay?"
"He's happily talking to Rose and Albus."

"Thank Merlin.."

"Are you okay now?" I pick my head up and smile at my boyfriend.
"I'm so much better then okay."
"Good." He picks me up, my legs wrapping around his waist securely.



"I still love you."

Draco smiles down at me.

"I love you too baby. So damn much, so I waited for you." And with that he connects our lips, and I'm happy.

Draco Malfoy|| One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now