Chapter 1

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Hii! This is my first English fanfiction, and I just have to say sorry! I'm from Sweden and sucks on English but i'll try my best!

This is a story about Victoria, Vic, that is Liam Payne's younger sister. People who knows her and hear her name thinks, trouble. And, yeah, that is kind of what she is. A troublemaker!

I think that the rest of it shows up in the story!

Please, vote, comment & spread the word!

- E♥️


Chapter 1

Victoria's POV

''Eyy, John! I'll go home now, see you tomorrow?'' I said and took of my nameplate. I looked on it, Victoria Payne, I wonder how many questions i've got about my name? Yes, I'm Liam Payne's sister, so what? I haven't seen him in 4 years, so who cares?

''Yeah, bye Vic! Drive safe!'' answered John. John works on the same restaurant as me, he's pretty stylish but way to selfish! I know he likes me, or not like, he thinks I'm 'sexy' in my work-clothes. A way to short skirt and a super tight U-neck top, and it don't make it better with black high heels! It's hard to be a waitress with high heels and to small clothes!! Ok, just stop thinking about that!

I went out to my car and jumped in it. I drove to 7Eleven to by some Oreos. (A/N: did they have Oreos on 7eleven? idk cause there are not so many in Sweden, or that I live!) Then I drove straight to my apartment.

When I come home I went directly in to the shower to clear my mind.
Yuck! That discussing man who slapped me on the butt today, it's not my fault that she got his beer all over him. He shouldn't touch my ass, that thing is privet!
And the bitch that bitch-gazed me cause of my name, c'mon, grow up! She really deserved the mold (spell?) cheese in her salad!

Everyone thinks that I'm a troublemaker! Sure I am, but just some years ago, before my brother leaved me, I was that cute little girly girl that everyone liked! Then something happened, I lost everything! I think I hide the real me in the 'trouble girl' cause I was scared and sad. I had lost everything that meant something for me, my older brother. He leaved me for some random idiots! The little cutie that I was before, where completely gone! I teased all my teachers crazy and got detention all the time. But I didn't care, cause I had lost the most important thing in the world, my family! When Li get famous my parents just started to care about him. But I love him, he is still the best thing I know! But I have one dark secret that nobody knows... when I was 'bout 17, I tried to take my life. Or, it is one people who know that, the girl who saved me, Lisa.


Ok, just jump! on three, 1.. 2.. 3.. I see the edge coming closer and closer, I'm speeding up. two yards to go, all I hear is my breath and rapid heartbeat. An meters left, then all is over! Ok, now ... jump!


I feel how someone grabs my wrist and pull me back. I turn around and see a beautiful girl. She has long blond straight hair, blue eyes and a beautiful face. (A/N: lol, I just described a "typical" Swedish girl! But the truth is that all Swedish girls aren't blond and blue-eyed!*O* haha, lol! I'm brunette and blue-eyed!)

''Don't do it!'' said the girl.

''Why? Nobody even care about me, nobody would miss me!''

''Yes, someone would! don't do it!''



''Ok, but who are you and what are you doing here?''

''I will answer you when you promise that you don't jump!''

''Ok... promise!''

''I'm here cause it was 1 year ago my sister took her life, right here! and my name is Lisa.'' what, she had lost her sibling too...

''But, Lisa, why are you speak English?''

''Cause I'm from UK.... we moved to Sweden two years ago. But I don't wanna learn Swedish, I can just say: hej=(hi), hejdå=(goodbye) and enhörning=(unicorn).''

*flashback ends*

I get out the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I walked in to my 'walk in closet' and put on a baby blue bra and matching undies. Then I just put on my pink One Piece with piggy ears, a pig snout and and a pigtail. It is super cute and fluffy!!! It's like a pink, fluffy, piggy, dream! okay... there you got a sneak peek on the girly me..! Yep.. and now i'm going to see The Notebook.... but, I AM a girl! remember, my name, Liam's SISTER, you know I wear bras and undies! Duh!!


I had watched the Notebook and was now in the kitchen, I have to eat something! I am eating when I'm sad, or, I'm always eating but I eat A LOT when I'm sad!

I founded some Oreos and took a glass of milk, then I went back to my room. I sat down in the bed and started to eating while I was on Twitter and Instagram. Nothing special! I walked in to the bathroom to brush my teeth and clean my face. When I was done with that I just walked in to the 'walk in closet and took a purple oversized t-shirt. On the t-shirt it stood: you know it! With white big letters. I put it on and went back to bed again. I crawled under my thick fluffy liam payne quilt. I really missed him! I love him more than nothing else! I wonder if I ever will see him again! I felt a tear rolled down my cheek. I just want him here! that's all I need, my Li!

I picked up my phone and wrote a tweet;
'I really miss you! I just want you here beside me and hold me tight! Love you boy, you're the best thing that ever happened to me! xx'

I posted it and then I laid back in my bed and tried to sleep.

Liam's POV

I'm so excited for tomorrow! I think the boys thinks the same!!

~the next day~

Vic's POV

I just going to work 3 hours today, sweet! But i've already worked 2 and a half hour so I have a half our left, even more sweet!

''Victoria, you're last customers for the day are here!'' said my boss, Martin.

I just yawned and went to table 7.

''Hi, what do you want to order?'' I asked.

''5 of number 27 and a hug please!'' what, that voice, that accent! I looked up.

No way!!!!


Vic's work-clothes;

Secretly dating... 1D fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora