Zayn doesn’t seem to like the change of happy atmosphere to sad and he says, “My stump of a right leg is fine thank you,”

Liam looks at it for the first time now. He looks away from Zayn’s face and down to his feet. Liam sees the left foot sticking out of the blanket and he sighs. Why did this have to happen? Zayn’s running career is gone now for sure, and Liam knows it. It’s going to be impossible. How is Zayn going to cope? And how is Liam going to help him? But when Liam looks Zayn in the eye he doesn’t look sad or upset about any of this. He looks thankful. It makes sense, Liam thinks. After all, God just gave him a second chance. 


“Steady, steady, alright, sit down,” Liam says gently as Zayn sits into the wheel chair. 

“I can’t wait until I get my new fake leg,” Zayn says grumpily, “Then I’ll be back to chasing you around and ticking you on our sofa,”

“Zayn,” Liam scolds as he pushes Zayn through the hospital and towards their car that’s waiting at the front, “You still have a while to go before any of that. You’re still in recovery. They are only letting you go home now because you were bugging the nurses so badly.”

“It’s not my fault that my hospital room felt like a prison cell,”

Liam sighs and they finally get to the car. He walks around to Zayn and acts as his crutch. Slowly, Zayn eases into the car and Liam turns around to face the nurse who helped them out, “Alright, are we all good to go?” He asks.

“Yes,” She smiles, then she hands Liam a piece of paper, “Those are pain medications you can get him if he needs them. Although, he seems to be fine without them.”

“Okay, great. Thank you,”

Liam gets into the driver’s seat and takes off down the road and away from that damned hospital. Zayn is quiet, looking out the window an observing everything. His left leg is bent and his right leg cuts off right before the knee, about mid-thigh. Zayn touches his stump of a leg and groans, “I still can’t believe this,”

“Neither can I,” Liam agrees.

“I don’t even remember what happened. Like, at all. I just remember driving and then waking up with you holding my hand,”

“Well that’s good,” Liam decides, “I bet everything in between was scary as hell and it’s probably good you don’t remember,”

But, as the two of them find out over the next nights, Zayn does remember. He remembers them every night as he wakes up from a nightmare and screams and yells and cries. Liam hasn’t gotten a full night of sleep since Zayn’s been home from the hospital.

It’s another night full of terrible dreams, and Zayn wakes up screaming, crying, yelling at the top of his lungs and thrashing in the covers. Liam wakes immediately and grabs Zayn’s shoulders, “Zayn, Zayn! Listen to me, wake up!”

Zayn’s eyes snap open and his face looks full of pain. He’s gasping for breath and his hands grapple at Liam’s bare shoulders, “Help me,” Zayn whimpers. Liam pulls his smaller boyfriend into his body and lulls him back to sleep, just like he does every night. Zayn trembles for a little bit, but finally stops and falls back to sleep.

The following days just seem to get harder and harder, Zayn loses his thanks for living and gains anger for losing so much. His anger turns into stress which sets their apartment up in yelling and fighting.

“Liam stop babying me!” Zayn yells from his wheelchair. He’s halfway through the kitchen and he pushes himself forward to Liam’s legs and pushes him back. Liam falls, his head hitting the wall as he is cornered. Zayn looks so pissed and Liam isn’t sure what he’s supposed to do. He’s tried to hang around and be there for Zayn and support him. But Zayn is just wearing down day in and day out. “I’m so sick of you being here and hovering over me like I’m a child,”

Liam is silent and then his whispers, “What do you want me to do?”

That night Liam sleeps in the car while Zayn sleeps inside all alone. Liam is doing what Zayn told him but he’s kind of upset and angry at this. I mean, Zayn will no doubt wake in the middle of the night and scream and yell and be stuck in a dream. And Liam will be all the way out here and he’s not going to be able to help. 

Somehow, Liam sleeps a bit that night and he’s woken up by a banging on the car door. It’s Zayn. He’s sobbing and begging Liam to come back. 

“I’m sorry,” Zayn cries, “Come inside, please.”


“Thank you, thank you,”

They sleep soundly together that night. Peaceful and relaxed.


When Zayn gets his prosthetic leg he refuses to wear it. Liam rolls his eyes, “Zayn, you’ve been waiting for this damn piece of plastic for weeks. Just put it on and get used to it. I mean, it’s going to take a little bit to get used to it obviously. But I’m sure it will be worth it. C’mon,”

“No,” Zayn groans, “I don’t need anyone or anything’s help,”

“Zayn stop it,”


“You’re being childish,”

“I don’t want it!” Zayn stands on his own and hops away, using only walls to support himself.

Liam sighs and picks up the fake leg. He pays for it and hides it in the back of the trunk for later.


The problem is that Zayn doesn’t want to be dependent on anyone. He doesn’t want to have to rely on anyone. He wants to be just as he was before the accident and he’s angry that it can’t be that way. Because regardless of whether Zayn likes it or not, things have in fact changed. Liam is patient with Zayn, like always, and rarely apart from him. They start to work better together, they start gaining understanding from this experience instead of just gaining anger and confusion. 

Zayn learns to walk with his prosthetic, and sex has never been more interesting, that’s what Liam thinks. They start laughing a lot more and joking around about how Zayn’s stub is ‘cute, plastic, and fantastic’.

One night it’s late and they are eating dinner at their small table for two. There are candles on the table and they are eating Liam’s famous lasagna. Zayn looks nervous and his left leg twitches under the table.

“Are you okay Zayn?” Liam asks.

Zayn nods and stands and walks towards Liam. He clears his throat, “Liam if there is anyone in this world I want to rely on, it’s you,”

“Good, Zayn,” Liam smiles.

“And… and I want you to be here forever. And so, I mean, I can’t kneel very well but,” Zayn kind of crouches and laughs, pulling out a small black box. Liam start laughing and crying at the same time, just like he did that night when Zayn was in the hospital. He stands up and takes the box from Zayn and then pulls a box out of his own pocket.

Zayn laughs, “You’re going to propose too?”

Liam gets down on his knee, “Hell yes I am. I love you Zayn. And I’m glad that you’re dependent on me, because that means it will be that much harder for you to leave,”

The laugh and pull each other close and dance over the kitchen floor. 


Just something kind of cute. I hope you like it.

Anyway, just something happier than the last one.

Thanks for reading.

Comment please???


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