"Bexley, Poe, Spencer," the general looks to them, clasping her hands together. "The three of you are on the back. And the others are taking main. I expect immediate retaliation if things go bad. You leave in five, so get prepared, and load up in your x-wings."

When she sat back down in her chair, they filed out of the room. Poe placed his hand lightly against the small of her back as they were leaving, and she held her breath. He still managed to take her breath away, and to make her weak in the knees. It was obvious that wouldn't change.

"Sorry I didn't get to see you last night," Poe says, moving to her side and allowing his hand to drop. "I got back pretty late, and assumed you were already asleep. My schedule had been too picky lately, and I'm not so sure that I like it."

"Well, I don't," Bexley says honestly, shaking her head. "I don't get to see you anymore, and I miss it."

Poe felt his heart clench, his eyes going soft. "If you want, when we get back, I'll take off a few missions so we can catch up. I can always make time to see you."

"You can't just ditch your priorities," the girl sighs, giving him a weak smile. "I'm sure all this rushing around will stop, or at least slow down sometime soon. It shouldn't keep up too much longer."

"You are a priority, okay?" He raises an eyebrow, nudging her in the side. "And after this, we'll definitely get to spend more time together- just like we used to."

Bexley hoped that was true. Despite how averted her attention had gotten in the time they were apart, she had to admit that he was always on her mind. He haunted her. Poe was something she couldn't have, no matter how much she wished she could. It hurt that they had no time together.

"I'm holding that to you, Dameron," Bexley warns, giving him a smile. "And if you can't hold up to your promises, you'll certainly get what's coming for you."

"Threaten me all you want, sweetheart," he grins, "but you and I both know that you're all bark, no bite."

"Oh, and the nicknames are back," Bexley groans, tilting her head back as she scowls.

"You know you love them," he rolls his eyes jokingly. "It's a part of my charm."

"If the definition of charm is to make girls run away screaming, then I agree. Otherwise, you're off your rocker."

But Bexley definitely knew that she was lying right through her pearly white teeth.



he blonde was uncertain as to where exactly she was supposed to be going, so as she boarded her individual x-wing, she decided she would follow right along with Poe and Spencer. Since they had much better attention spans, Bexley assumed they would lead her directly where she needed to go. But something she noticed as she was starting up her ship was Poe arguing with General Organa.

"I don't want her in her own ship," Poe snaps, his voice loud enough so that Bexley could hear him. "Leia, she could get hurt out there."

"I understand your concern, like usual," Leia sighs, placing a delicate hand on his shoulder for comfort. "But you can't always protect her, Poe. She'll be with you the whole time, and besides; she can fight her own battles."

Bexley grinned, taking pride in Leia's confidence in her. And certainly, she wasn't about to ruin that. But the blonde was starting to think of things other than the mission, and that was dangerous; too dangerous. She needed to focus.

Bexley wasn't sure when Poe ended the conversation, but as she zoned back in, he was leaving in his assigned x-wing. She was quick to do the same, and traced the lines in which he led. It felt nice for her to be back in a ship- one that she hadn't been in for quite a while. The missions usually weren't this bold, let alone with her flying on her own.

Her helmet fit perfectly, her blonde ponytail barely peeking out from the back of it. The suit was perfect, like many of the others she had worn before. And right now, with nothing but the sky and clouds ahead of her, Bexley felt home.

If only Poe were by her side, it would be so much better.

"You good, Bex?" Poe questions through the radio, slowing down his ship so that she could stay at his right.

"I'm perfect," she smiles lightly, shooting him a quick nod through the window. "I've missed this."

"Well, don't lose focus," he consoles her in a raspy voice, looking a bit worried. "And make sure you stay safe, okay?"

"Always," Bexley replies. And then, he was in front of her again, leading Spencer and the blonde to their destination.

It was minutes later when Poe contacted her again, Bexley jumping at the sound of his voice. It took a moment's time for her to realize that he was warning her, so she listened closer.

"The First Order sent out ships of their own," Poe stresses. "There are six ships on our tail, watch out for them."

"How'd they figure out our plans?" Spencer sounds exhausted from the other end.

"Your guess is as good as mine."

And then there were shots; red hot lights flickering out from the First Order ships behind them. Bexley gasped as one of them barely missed her ship, jerking at the controls in front of her.

"Shit!" Poe curses, prepared to turn their ships around to retreat. "We don't have enough ammo to take them out, and the back of their quarters, too. Go back, go back!"

"Are you kidding me?" Bexley sucks in a breath. "Poe, you never give up like this."

"Yeah, well, normally I don't have you with me," he grunts. "Now turn around, Bex. We're going back before they start firing again."

It was too late for that, though. By the time Poe had finished his sentence, the ships behind them had already opened fire again. Spencer followed Poe's orders, retreating upon command. Poe was close to him, waiting for Bexley.

"Bexley, you heard me! Go!"

Bexley couldn't respond to him; her breath was gone, her voice was stuck in her throat as she stared at her control pannel. Her ship had been hit in not one place, but two. The x-wing was no longer functioning properly, and it was mere seconds from crashing into the sand dunes below.

"Poe, I can't," she chokes out, tears beginning to spill from her eyes. "My ship is going down, I can't go anywhere."

Parts of the ship were coming off, flying backward at the First Order ships. Bexley prepared herself for what was going to happen, hugging herself tightly. The panic was setting in, and there wasn't anything she could do; she was trapped inside with no parachute.

Fire sparked at the back of her ship, then grew into a bigger flame that fanned inside. Bexley cried out as her control pannel failed, no longer giving her signals. She screamed as she was falling within the ship. Poe said something over the radio, but his voice was blocked out as her ship crashed went into a spiral, before slamming into the ground below.


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