Dont Leave Me Like This!

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Hey!! Wake up! can u hear me!! jebal..plz!!

my heart is gonna stop stopping soon,plz dont worry about me okay..u need to think about your life life gonna end later..plz forget me and live happily .

No! Aniya!! plz wake up,plz stay more often! stay awake!! so i know why you always wanna run and stay away from me and suddenly  ask for break up with me !!wae wae,why u dont tell me! that u ..urgh!!and you look so pale and thin day by day! im so worried!!!

plz dont cry,plz dont worry!i dont want you to worry about me..and i wanna run away form this,pretending that im,i cant..i weakened cant stand..just hold my hand until i gone,okay?

Dont,stop!! stop that u will go!
take his hand..

plz dont go!! i need you..why you dont that you suffer from this deceases???

as i.said before,i dont wanna u worry about me..i want to run.away and dont want to meet you at first,but it already our fate for both of us to meet each other.
i just wanna be your friend,at first...but i dont know that this all gonna happen..plz forgive me..

i love you,but im sorry..i keep lying that im okay.. always okay stay awake!! The doctor.will come.soon!

No need, gonna go sssoon..i see a lot of thing right now,all the beautiful memories,we stand together..just let in our memory okay?make it beautiful history...

Go find another person,forget me and live happily..

No!! plz stay awake and strong!!!

its ,dear ivy..i cant keep my promise to protect you forever..

you already protected me well..plz dont go!

My heart cant stand anymore..this diseases sicknesss really hard on me..i cantt breathe me,ivy..i want to sit or stand! i dont want to ly at this bed ! i gonna look so pathetic..

okay,i will move you slowly..sit properly at my shoulder,plz stay until the doctor arrive..

put his head on her shoulder..

dear ivy,im glad to have you ad my partner and friend..i really love you
...plz remember me happy to live and meet you until now..he smile..plz dont cry,i want to see you smile.until the time come ..can u smile for me...?i really wan t to see your beautiful smile...

smile with pain..

thanks ivy,thanks for everything..he closed his eyes...with smile.on his face..

!! !! wake up! wake.up!!

the doctor come,and check him.

doctor!!!! what happen..! plz help him...plz ,plz..i really love him..plz hurry up before its to late..


He need tranfusiion..


(╥_╥)(╥_╥)(╥_╥)i really love you..plz dont leave me like least,you smile at mee ..wake up! plz jebal...!!

ivy,im sorry...................

!! 😭😭😭😭😭


!! andwaeeee yoo!! hajima! gajimaa!!



im.sorry reader,i have mental breakdown rn while writting this..he gonna be okay,just dont worry to much..i dunt want to.continue really sorry to both of them..

the writer is.the one.who.suffer for astma and another diseases and cant breath properly without the inhaler...get well soon to me...get well soon to whoever who suffer it..let live stronger and happily..sickness cant stop your dream,u can work! u can be active,u can live happily .!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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