Where door connects to floor..

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I sigh slamming the note on the hard wooden table. I've read it five times over trying to make sense of it all. I remember everything about my life except for the events leading up to now and the more I think about it the more worried I get. I huff and pick up the pencil and started drawing little circles, squares, stars and hearts. Hearts. The note mentioned something about finding my way out using my heart. But how would that help. "Ugh!" I sigh in frustration. I slam my hand on the table a push my chair out with a scrape. After pacing around the room for a minute I go and sit down in the corner and bury my head in my hands. "Think, Kimberly, think" I say to myself. After a while my butt begins to ache so I got back to the table. As I'm sliding back into the chair I notice another piece of paper folded in half on the table. Curiously, I lean over and snatch it up. I unfold it tentatively and peer at the writing sprawled across it.

*Kimberly, time is running out, I want you to be free so listen closely to me. Get out of this room soon if you still want a life. But beware the stranger who carries a knife. Where door connects to floor you'll need the key from your heart, if you want to get out alive, you better make a start.*

Where did this note come from? I think to myself. I never heard anyone come in, or leave so how did it just appear here? I decide to examine the doors closely, they all look the same, brown, grainy and tough. They all have handles but no key hole. "Where door connects to floor" I mumble to myself while feeling around the door frame. "Where does the door connect to the floor?" I ask myself. Then it hits me, of course, the bottom edge of the door is the closest part to the floor. On the second door I find a small indentation that I never saw before, its barely a centimetre thick and I can just make out the shape of a heart. "That's it! That's the lock" I say aloud. Now I just have to find the key, I just have to find the heart shaped key in a plain room full of white.

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