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Some people don't believe in love at first sight but I have experienced it with this one special person. Her name is Mina Stackhouse. We have been through almost everything together the good and the bad. Along this long journey of this relationship I have written and it is one of the most priceless possession we share. "I love her but she never see me, I want her to be mine but were just friends, I'd like to tell her but I'm just stupid and crazy with her love."
We met at elementary grade school, she was a Valedictorian of our school. On one of the days we were classmates, I tried my hardest so she can notice me. I tried to be active in participating to the class. As planned, as I did'nt expect we have been chosen to be partners in a group. I tried to have a conversation with her but I was nervous I could barely stand. I was wondering with myself, what is coming over me. When I left at class that day, I could not get her image out of my mind, her shiny long hair, tantalizing eyes, rosy cheeks, gorgeous dress and how she stand and smile when I look at her. "I love her but she never see me, I want her to be mine but were just friends, I'd like to tell her but I'm just stupid and crazy with her love."
As few months passed on, we got to know each other very well and became friends, we got to know each other very well, our likes, dislikes, favorite things, and the main things like our birthdays. We felt like no one could come in between us. We were unseparated! As soon as I thought that our relationship was perfect that I thought it would be a perfect time to tell her. So when I was going to tell her, I feel that my legs has been tilted and cannot even move from its standing. "I love her but she never see me, I want her to be mine but were just friends, I'd like to tell her but I'm just stupid and crazy with her love."
Two weeks after, I found out that she has another man now. I blamed myself thinking that I should have told her my feelings and not afraid of the consequences that happen. "I love her but she never see me, I want her to be mine but were just friends, I'd like to tell her but I'm just stupid and crazy with her love."

Hearing about her, that she was going to leave our town to continue her studies. It just crumpled and crushed my heart. I could not believe it not able to hear her voice. I hurried to them but I was not able to reach their car. "I love her but she never see me, I want her to be mine but were just friends, I'd like to tell her but I'm just stupid and crazy with her love."

After she left, A few months later her parents came back saying she has died from a cancer and give me a letter saying the note of her longing love that give me a surprisingly big confusion."I love him but he never see me, I want him to be mine but were just friends, I'd like to tell him but I'm just stupid and crazy with his love."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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