The Alpha and His Mate chapter 18

Start from the beginning

"Let. Go." I gritted out as I clenched my teeth together to keep my mind off of the pain in my hands. It wasn't working. I started to feel overwhelmed with how much power and strength he had over me.

"If you were like us, you'd be able to get out of it." He growled out as he released me. Suddenly an evil look took over his facial features, before he just abruptly walked away, leaving me confused and in pain.

I headed for the kitchen to put some ice on my hand, when I saw James and the guys.

"Hey James." I said as I waved to him and the others.

"Hey Becs, how was your night sleep?" He said as he wiggled his eyebrows and winked at me, while stuffing a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

I noticed Michael smirking and trying not to laugh, Daniel was holding his laughter in while his face was turning red, while Eric continued eating as if James hadn't said anything.

"Uh, it was good?" I replied unsure if he was tricking me with something.

After I finished speaking, the boys, except for Eric burst out laughing. I looked at them confused and turned to Eric, hoping he would explain.

Eric rolled his eyes before pushing his plate away and standing up, but before he left he spoke.

"We all know and heard you and Raven have sex last night. The walls are quite thin. Next time you guys think about having sex, do it when everyone is out."

I felt my face heat up hotter than the sun.

The guys started laughing even harder, a few were holding their stomachs from laughing too hard.

After the laughter died down, I ate some breakfast before I ended up bored and sitting in the game room, watching the guys play the xbox.

"This is soo boring!" I exasperated for the millionth time. It's only been an hour, but I couldn't take it anymore.

"Chillax, will yah?" Michael said as he rolled his eyes.

"Read a book or work on your homework from the days you've missed." Daniel said as he pushed the button rapidly, before he was killed. "No fair! You said you hadn't played this game."

"Correction, I said I haven't played in a while, which I am right. I haven't played this since Becca moved." James said as he spoke matter of fact.

Eric had been gone since this morning and I hadn't realized how much he'd grown on me.

"When is Raven coming home?" I asked.

"Why? You wanting some of what he gave you last night?" James said before winking at me.

"Shut up!" I said as I stuck my tongue out at him. "When is Eric coming back?"

"I'm not sure, he said he had some things to take care of." Daniel said distractedly.

It was almost five o'clock, when I decided to make dinner for everyone.

"I'll be back." I said to no one in particular, not that any of them paid attention to what I said.

I decided to cook up some chicken and veggies for the guys, figuring that everyone would be happy with it.

As I was cutting the veggies, I heard the back door open and close. I looked up thinking it was Eric, but soon frowned at the person in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I bit out, trying to keep my anger under control.

"Well, sweetheart, this is the alpha's house and we're allowed to see him when we want." She replied before looking down at what I was doing. "What are you doing?"

"I'm making dinner." I said as I went back to cutting the veggies.

I knew Ashley was still standing there and I knew that I was annoying her, by not looking at her anymore.

I heard her growl lowly, before I looked back at her. "What?"

She growled again, before clearing her throat. "Would. You. Like. Some. Help?" She bit out. I knew she was angry, by the way her eyes were darkening.

I starred at her unsure if I should let her help me. In the end, I decided that I should maybe try and be friendly with her and allow her to help me.

"Sure. You can help cut some veggies." I said as I went back to cutting.

We had been cutting I silence for ten minutes and the silence was beginning to kill me. I wasn't sure what to say to her. It wasn't like we were friends.

"So what do you all like to eat?" I said, before mentally slapping myself. What a stupid question.

She laughed quietly, before answering. "We eat just about anything and we eat a lot. We are werewolves after all. The amount you're making will be fine."

I gave up making anymore conversation after that and just worked on finishing the dinner.

After all the veggies and chicken were cut and the noodles were done, Ashley and I went to go fetch the guys. As we were walking up the stairs, Ashley stopped walking and pulled me to a stop as well. I looked at her confused.

"I want to stay for dinner." She bluntly said. "And I want my friend to come as well."

I was shocked to say the least. She wanted to have dinner with me in the room. I nodded my head, not trusting my voice. A small smile spread a crossed her face, as we started walking again.

"Guys dinner is ready and done." I said as I swung the door open.

They all stopped playing and turned towards me. Daniel was looking at me like I had two heads, Michael looked like I had said his favorite word, and James was looking behind me at Ashley.

"Sweet! My favorite part of the day." Michael said as he stood up and started heading for the stairs.

"Thanks, Becs." James said as he wrapped his arm over my shoulders.

"You made dinner?" Daniel asked as we all headed for the kitchen again.

"Yeah, why do you ask like that? Shocked that I can cook?" I said as I shoved him playfully.

"No, I'm shocked that she is with you." Daniel said. "I thought you both didn't like each other."

"Who is she anyways? She seems pretty cute." James said as we made it to the last step.

"Her names Ashley and don't even think about it James. She's not pretty when she starts talking." I said as I walked ahead of James. "We may dislike each other, but she asked to help."

"She did?!" Daniel asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, and she asked if she and her friend could eat with us as well." I said, before catching Raven walking towards me with Eric in tow.

I wrapped my arms around Raven's waist, before kissing him.

His grip tightened slightly as he kissed me back and pulled me close to him.

"I missed you." He whispered into my ear seductively.

"As did I." I whispered back as I placed a kiss on his jaw. "Now let's eat I'm hungry."

"Sounds good to me." Raven said as he took my hand in his and led me to the dinning room, where everyone was already seated.

As Raven and I walked in, I froze when I saw who the friend Ashley was talking about.


But that wasn't all. The only seats left were next to him and Ashley. As soon as Ashley saw me, a devilish smirk crossed her face and I knew she played me.


Hope you all enjoy this chapter. I really wasn't sure where to go with this chapter until a few days ago :)


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