The long wait

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BEEP!!! BEEP!!!! was the sound of cars passing by at nascar speed, as i try to keep my eyes in the street to catch a taxi that was coming my way. After leaving work so late there was nothing else i wanted to do but go home and have a nice nap and probly eat some pizza and have beer. Man it feels like i have been standing here for 24 hours now tryin gto get a stupid taxi.I look up the street and saw a cab comming my way. Thank god finally i can go home. Without a doubt i elivated my hand in the air and shouted "taxi!!!!". The driver looked at me and mouthed full before he drove by at nascar speed.

Man i hate this and i really need to get a car urgently. I exhale with a heavy sigh and felt the nerve in my foot went numb. Just great thats what i really need right now thank you. Loosing every ounce of patients i got i decided that i should really do something in the mean while befor my legs decided to give up on me, due to all the standing around i've been doing, i haven't sit down to take a rest for like two hours now and it really isn't a nice feeling.

"TAXI!!" i heard a female voice shouting distracting me from my thought. The taxi stopped and she was about to go in. I cant beleive what just happend im standing  here for like 2 hours feeling sooo sore and tired and this chick came here not even for seconds good and got a cab before me?? Na ha it's so not happening, dont get me wrong im normally the ladies gentle man but sorry hun im retireing for the day.

I jogged as quickly as i could to the car before her and sat in, before i could close the door a really cranky young hot  blond with peicing gray eyes and rose pink lips( assuming thats it's lipstick) stood at the door frame. she was wearing a mini bright blue strapless pencile dress that had a big bow at the right end of her breast with shinning sparkly dimonds lace along every detail of the bow. The back of her dressed was cut out into a butterfly pattern showing of her flawless taned skin that was half coverd by her long curly blond hair. Just like all the other girls these days her face was well painted with "make up" giving contrass to her skin to by her "smoky eye shadows" she hang tight to he minny blue purse and rudly stroke up her feet in the taxi showing of her swade red bottoms blue 10 inch heeel ( hey got sisters so dont be surprise).

"What do you think your doing?" she said in a really annoying squeaky voice.

" What does it looks like BRITANY. I'm taking this cab home" i said rolling my eyes in total annoyance

"look jerk. i wass the one who called the taxi and my name is not britany"

Well i dont care what her name was and who call the taxi first  but all i can say is that she is really annoying me  with her voice that sound like one of the female chick munks that came in alvin and the chick munks and i assume that she would be the most  annoying one and that is non other than britany ( sorry kidz but it's the truth)

"Hello!!!" britany squeled in my ears " get out now im late for a party. My girls are so gonna kill me when i reach" she wined  UGH!

"I dont care about you and your girls and your party i want to go home now. So would you mind move out the way so i can close the door!" i retored at her

I saw her face stiffen and she open her mouth to say something but instead of her annoying squeaky voice , i heard a husky male voice said

" well will one of you get in and close the bloody door already so that i can drive off and release the traffic that you two are causing!" the driver said turning around to face us clearly getting pissed off.

"As you can see im alreasdy in the taxi i'm just waiting on BRITANY here to move her foot so i can close the door" groan through my teeth exsaterating  britany.

UGH tell me about some people and how difficult they are?. All she had to do is move and everyone will be happy...... well........ not her but she's not important and look at the bright side  i would be on my way home, the driver woul dbe much happeir since he would be back on hi s schedule and the angry moms behind us would be as well.

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