Making Nice

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When Scott got downstairs the next morning, he was glad to see that at least K hadn't passed out on the couch like she looked ready to do. The blanket she'd had was still on the chair, and when he headed to the kitchen, it was hard to miss that she'd followed through and went to bed.

It was even harder to miss the fact that she was curled into Logan's side and using his shoulder for a pillow while Logan had one arm wrapped around her. And both of them were still passed out solidly.

Scott smirked to himself when he saw it and then backed out to go find the coffeemaker and get something started, knowing that was what both of them would be looking for when they did eventually come out to join him.

At the first sounds in the kitchen, both ferals started to rouse, though K was the one to start to move first. She shifted as she started to wake up and stretched out, smiling when Logan's reaction to it was to simply give her a little one-armed squeeze that kept her from going too far away. "Did I screw up your slumber?" she asked quietly, looking down at him from where she had rested her chin on her arm- still leaning on his chest.

"Do I look like you screwed up my slumber?" He replied with a little smirk, his eyes still half closed.

"Guess not," she said before she started to sit up. "We shouldn't let him wait for too long."

"He can handle it," Logan said, smirking a little more crookedly, which only got a rise out of her, and without any more prompting, she simply laid back down and curled in again.

Scott was well into breakfast before the two adults finally stepped out of their room.

Logan of course didn't say a word, but K made a point to stop and kiss the top of his head for making the coffee. "Such a great kid."

Scott's ears burned a bit, though he was smirking to himself all over again.

The two of them took their seats with Scott at the table, though it still looked like they could both use rest. "What's the plan today for you - at least ... when you usually settle in to a place for a little bit?" K asked.

"Probably oughta poke around a little," Logan rumbled. "See what the town's like."

"You mean look for exit routes," K said over the top of her mug.

"Yeah. That's what I said," Logan replied. "Then lay low for a little while. What about you?"

"I watched the news and looked at a map last night," K said. "I thought I might walk down to the beach and lay out. Breathe for a few minutes. Look like I'm actually on vacation like everyone else here."

"If you're headed to the beach, I was going to see if I could find a place to practice," Scott said.

K smiled over at him. "Great. You can work on your tan, too. A little color will help you blend in." with that much decided, the little group finished their breakfast with just a bit of chatter now and again, and as soon as they were done, K and Scott both headed off to get changed for the beach.

Of course, Janet had thought of everything when she set them up with clothes for the trip, and the two of them looked like they were set to fit in just fine with the new suits - blue for Scott, because Janet had listened to him, and red for K simply because Janet thought it was a good color for her.

There was of course a moment that Logan was sure to talk to Scott about their little excursion. "You've got your button, right?" he said quietly before K stepped out to grab a towel.

Scott nodded. "In my pocket."

"Keep watch. SHIELD agents are easy to spot, you know that. The other guys, if they have any brains will be harder to see."

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