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The Teacher got up in front of the class to demonstrate our lesson of the day. She turned to the board a drew a two stick figures, a red string connecting the two. She then reached into her pocket to pull out a long piece of red string. Calming the excited children down, she softly spoke.

"The red string that connects soulmates. Your parents probably already told you about it. You and your soulmate are the only people who can see your own string. They're the only clue that tells you where your soulmate currently is! Some dedicate their whole life trying to find their loved one-" The class of kindergartners bursted with laughter, some 'awwing' and others saying "Eww!"

The teacher giggles and calms the children once more. "Like I was saying, others ignore them and and wait until adulthood. It is also common knowledge that-" I raised my hand and spoke, interrupting her.

"Uh miss. But... I don't have the string."

The class circled and stared at me...

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