The Hospitail

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Terrisa has fallen off the tower. Thomas cried for days after that happened...

Days and days passed by and he gets a call....

Gally was calling him."Hello" Thomas answered "good afternoon Thomas, this is Gally and I'm just letting you know your friends are at the hospital, alive." "What friends?" Thomas asked."The ones who died, Terrisa and Newt." "No way" Thomas started freaking out, He was sooo happy.He ended the conversation with a thanks. He ran to the hospital to meet his best friend and soon to be girlfriend. First person he saw was Newt, He was laying in the hospital bed silently snoring. "NEWT!!!!" Thomas happily screamed. Newt woke up to the sound of his voice."TOMMY!!!!" Newt yelled. Newt was stretching his arms as far as he could because he can't get out of the hospital bed. Thomas ran up to him and hugged him. "Calm down buddy I am still injured". Newt said as he hugged him back. Thomas was near tears because he was so happy."I am you are Thomas actually cried that time. Newt hugged him closer"I know Tommy,I know.Thomas explained what happened after he got stabbed. How Terrisa fell off the tower and how he got shot and how Ava Paige was shot. After Thomas said that Terrisa died Newt questioned it."What do you mean she died?" He said "She is in the room next to me...alive." Thomas was confused. "She fell off a burning tower. There so no way she is alive." Thomas told Newt he would be back. He went in to the room next to him to find Terrisa.

Terrisa was laying on the bed resting but her eyes were open. She heard footsteps and turned around to see Thomas."Thomas, your here."She said with happiness in her voice. Thomas went up to her and plotted down next to her. He put her head on top of his chest." Never do that again, jump off the tower when you had a chance to live." He kissed the top of her head."Ah what the heck, thank god your alive." He hugged her. Terrisa giggled," amazing isn't it, I'm alive, I can breathe and thank god Newt and you survived because I don't know how I would have lived with out you." Thomas kissed her on the lips.

Thomas laid in the bed with Terrisa for 2 hours until he went back to Newt. 

Once Thomas walked in Newt was the first one to make a comment. "You two love birds can't get off each other, I almost fell asleep while you were in there kissing her and like." Thomas cut him off."You will find a girl you can't get your hands off one day." "Oh so you admit it that you can't get your hands off of her." Newt started laughing after he said that sentence."Aww shut up". Thomas said as he walked over to him and sat in a rocking chair next to the bed.  As they sat there talking and laughing about how him and Terrisa are so attracted to each other they can't get their hands off.

Thomas falls asleep in the chair.

Next morning Thomas wakes up to Newt and Terrisa giggling. He looks up to see them talking with a young girl. She had brown hair till her shoulders. Her eyes were hazel and she was wearing a dress with flowers on it. She looked like she was lost. Thomas came up and asked what's happening, Terrisa said "Thomas, this is your sister."Thomas was confused, he never had a sister, he dosent remember anything what happened before he came up in the box. He doesn't even remember his own mother. He was confused at first but then saw the resemblance. She looked like a girl version of him but younger. She came up to him, her height was till his shoulder. She put out her hand for a shake. Thomas shakes it," Hi brother, My name is Grace but I only let close members call me Gracie, you will earn it to call me Gracie at some point."
" do you remember that I'm your brother??" After Thomas said that Grace had these weird look on her face like she was about to cry." I remember our mother giving you away because she was forced to, I saw you crying her name, your ...welll...our mother was miserable she wouldn't stop crying for days." "Where is she now." Thomas asked then Grace answered the question with a tear falling down her face."Im sorry Thomas, She was shot by a boy with white hair in exact words when he came that night he said "Are you his mother?" Our mother answered with a yes and then he fired a gun right into her heart and gathered all her blood. It was a nightmare to watch" That brought Grace to tears. Thomas hugged her. Then he said that they can't stay here any longer.  Newt and Terrisa agreed. They all left to this spot that had water near them and it was surrounded by walls. There were houses labeled with names. Thomas,Newt,Terrisa but there wasn't a Grace so he gave her the guest house until he built her one. Terrisa came up to Thomas and kissed him." Thank you Tommy, for everything." Thomas hugged her." No problemo." They stayed on that Island for years.

Until one day everything changed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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