When you first meet

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        You were walking in the woods late at night when you hear something crackle behind you. Turning, you see a shadow slip behind the tree. Deciding not to be the "who's there?" girl in the movies you take off running. You run faster hearing heavy footsteps behind you. You don't want to look back not knowing what's behind you. You squeak, tripping over a tree root. "Hey are you okay?" A voice behind you asks. Turning you see a guy with dirty blonde hair and soft green eyes standing over you. "Why would you chase me?" You scream throwing a twig at him "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" he says biting his lip. "It's fine..." You mutter standing up just to hit your head on the branch above you. "Owe!" You YELL grabbing your head. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" The guys asks grabbing you suddenly. You nod, feeling suddenly warm by his hands. "I'm H/N by the way" he says smiling at you. You nod "y/n" you say patting his arm and turning away from him. "I'm just gonna go home now" you say walking quickly to your house.


        You walk quickly down the dark road leading to your small country side house. You sigh, feeling uncomfortable with the mile you still have to walk. Your legs are tired but you know that if you run you'll make it to your house in less than five minutes. Suddenly, tires on the gravel behind you make you squeal. Turning you see a man sitting inside, he smiles giving you a small wave. You wave back a little, then you turn back to the road in front of you and start walking faster. The man pulls the car up next to you and cruises right beside you. He rolls down the driver-side window and flashes you a white toothed grin. "Hello Y/N" he says smirking. "H/N" you say back looking into his chocolate brown eyes. H/N grins, "still remember me?" He laughs. You nod, remembering the night when H/N threw eggs at you and your friends on Halloween for dressing as the Disney princesses. You glare, flipping him the bird as you silently start back on your trek towards you house. "Want a ride?" He asks. "I can walk" you respond taking off into the fields as a 'shortcut' even though it adds an extra three minutes to your running.


        You sit quietly on the park bench reading 'a mind-summers night dream'. You look up towards the sky, the blue has suddenly turned a soft pink. You put the book down, smiling at the pretty sunset. You look towards the pretty lilac bushes to see a boy with black hair and very pale skin peeking out at you. You wave, seeing that he's slightly younger than you, maybe a year? He waves back, smiling at you. You smile too, seeing that he walks out from behind the lilacs. He walks over to you, sitting on the bench beside you and smiles at the book "a mid-summers night dream?" He asks. You nod watching him take the book in his slender fingers. "Is it good?" He asks flipping through the pages. Shrugging you look up into his ice blue eye, "I haven't gotten that far in it yet" you reply. He nods, setting the book in your lap. "So what were you doing watching me from the lilacs?" You asks pointing towards the lilac bushes. He smiles, shaking his head. "No reason." He says standing up. "Okay? Are you some stalker then?" You asks leaning back against the bench, he just laughs. "I'm Y/N" you say holding out your hand. "H/N" he grins taking you hand in his and kissing your knuckles lightly his lips are warm and but his lip piercing is cold, blushing you looks away. "Pleasure to meet you m'lady" he says smiling. Just then, you get a text from your mother saying you need to get home right away. "I-I Need to go..." you whisper, your face flushes with embarrassment. He grins "I'll see you later then?" You whisper. He nods, turning and walking Down the walkway.


        You walked quickly down the hall of your school trying to get to your locker before everyone else. Your class had been let out of class two minutes early for good behavior. Usually you're the last one out, but today you have to watch your 5 year old cousin so you need to get to your aunts house quickly. You get to your locker just as the bell rings. You grab your phone, backpack, and math notebook since you have an Algebra text coming up and you need to study. You walk out of the school, covering your head with your backpack as the rain dribbles. "God's peeing on us!" You hear someone scream. You giggle slightly, looking over to see a boy with blonde-white hair ad tan skin running around in the rain. You walk over to your car, unlocking it. "Hey" you hear. Looking over your shoulder you see the same boy that screamed 'god's peeing on us'. "Hello" you say. You've never seen him around school before so you're a little curious about who he is. "I'm H/N" he says grinning. "I'm Y/N" you say holding out you hand. He smiles, shaking your hand. "Nice to meet you Y/N" he grins. You nod, opening your car door. "Well I need to get going...so goodbye" you wave a little while getting in you car. He waves back, walking away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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