01|She Felt Defeated

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She looked out the window with a sigh, and watched as water droplets strolled down the wet, transparent glass in silence.

Her mind went back to the previous event of yesterday and her throat suddenly felt dry.

"The results are in the envelope. Make sure to give them to your parents."

The doctor's face was blank, void of emotion and his voice monotone. He gave nothing away just like he was payed to.

Yet, she couldn't help but think he tried so hard to hide his emotions so he wouldn't reveal the hard truth.

She glanced at her open bag on the ground and at the brown envelope with shaking hands. She'd been staring at it all morning.

She couldn't do it.

She couldn't give it to her parents yesterday. She wasn't ready. In that envelope held her future, whatever that letter said would determine if she would have one.

But she held on to hope.

Forget the what if's, forget the doubts. She thought. She's not scared, she believed nothing bad would happen - she knew nothing bad can happen.

She'd worked so hard to get this far and she couldn't let one little test ruin her life. Her dreams couldn't be taken away from her that easily.

Of course it couldn't be true. Right?

Who would take care of her parents and little brother, her best friend who seemed to be getting worse and worse by the day. There is no way she could leave them all - just like that. . .

"Amy Valdez, pay attention in class, would you?"

The teacher's cold hard voice snapped her out of her deep thought making her almost jump in her seat.

"S-sorry sir." She let out, feeling distracted by the thoughts that ran through her mind excessively.

The teacher continued the lesson and Amy's eyes snapped back to the envelope.

Curiosity took over all her emotions, when she couldn't hold it anymore she pulled out the envelope and placed it on her lap quickly, before anyone could notice.

With shaky hands she tore the seal open and pulled out a white paper. The paper felt smooth on her wet, sticking fingers and smelled of fresh ink.

She took in a deep breath and opened the letter. Amy read the contents quickly, and felt her heart drop.

After everything, all the battles, all the medicines - nothing. She lost. Anger soared through her veins before replaced with confusion and frustration.

Amy took in a deep breath, controlling her emotions and read through the letter again, slowly this time.

The same thing.

No matter how horrible she felt, there was nothing she could do about it, she was going to die.

Amy wished she was more patient and opened the letter somewhere private. So she could cry all the pain out, with no-one around to criticize her or ask questions.

How would she tell everyone? How would they take it? How should she handle it?

She felt weak, numb, useless and defenseless. There was nothing she could do, evil won the battle.

"I have cancer."

The words rushed out of her mouth before she could stop it, just as tears threatened to escape her eyes.

Thankfully the lunch bell rang, everyone rushed out of their seats and to the door, like hungry animals chasing their prey.

But she couldn't move. She felt paralyzed and empty. It was all too much, being told you where going to die - but people die too. She thought.

Amy let all the tears out, ignoring the teacher that watched her curiously from his desk.

She felt defeated.

Authors Note

How was it? Good? Bad? Okay? Great? I kinda liked it? You could do better? I need answers people!

I update every Tuesday and Friday. Sometimes Sunday if you're lucky ;)


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