One of them smiled, another to do a double take when they saw him. What, had they seen a ghost? Emy told him he wasn't dead anymore, right? ...right?

He took in everyone around him, or so, the faces he could see at least. A teal haired boy with brown eyes, a hidden meaning behind his gaze. Another boy, had ocean blue eyes. He looked up at him with a content smile. A brown haired boy, with a white headband was watching from afar. His eyes bore right into Yuuichi's, analyzing him, although no malice seemed to be present in his orbs. Perched on a windowsill was a figure with dark navy, fluffy hair. He had glanced at him when he entered the room, but returned to staring out the window with his icy look.

That was about all the people he could take a look at, as the others had a cloak over their head, for some reason. Most of them seemed either as tall as him or shorter, and they appeared to be somewhat younger. There were a total of around 9 people in the said room, himself included. Suddenly, all the attention turned to the entrance as the doors opened and inside walked the said blue haired girl, followed by a pink haired person with bright blue eyes.

One of the people he saw earlier, suddenly changed demeanor as he saw the boy following Emy. "Ooh, Kirino-senpai. You fit right in with the girls!" 'Kirino' glared at him, but before he could retort, the girl answered for him, patting his head as she passed by. "Zip it Kariya, you'll get your banter later. We have work to do." Kariya crossed his arms with a 'hmph' and pretended he was unaffected by all of this. Just as they passed him, the boy following Emy halted in front of him, a look of shock and disbelief adorning his face. He muttered a few words to himself almost as if he tried to convince himself this was real.

Yuuichi raised an eyebrow, unsure as to what this whole thing was supposed to mean. He was starting to doubt wether or not he was actually glowing but he didn't notice it. Kirino turned to Emy, speaking somewhat quietly. "But how...?"

"It would require me to sit here an entire day and tell you how and why and we don't really have time for that. Maybe some other day, no? Or you could as him if you want."

"N-no, I think I'm good." What, now they're afraid of me? This slightly upset Yuuichi. What was going on? Was he really going to be kept in the dark like that?

"Alright, everyone's here I suppose? Good. You will be in pairs for now. You'll receive your instructions through the crystals I gave all of you earlier. They will also act as communication devices between each other. Luckily, they're bound to you so you can't lose them."

"Good thing, because if Kariya's head wasn't stuck to his neck he'd lose that too." Kirino said, snickering.

"Hey!" Kariya said, trying to reach his 'offender' but failing due to his height. A few other chuckles were heard throughout the room. Emy had smiled as well, rolling her eyes. "And that's why you two will go together."

"Wait what!" Both of them said in unison. The girl smiled and waved. "Good luck~! Now, let's see. Kishibe. Yukimura. Kurosaki." upon saying those three names, the 3 boys he had first noticed when he entered, walked up to her. "Lalaya, Okita."

"Woo!" A voice was heard, as a girl jumped over the desks, landing right down. The other figure kept a steady hand on the swords they seemed to adorn on their waist, as they also went next to the previous girl. Pulling the hood down, a tan tall boy with dark purple hair came into light. "Try not to break any of your legs even before we start, will you?"

"Oh shush! This'll be great!" She beamed, doing a little twirl, her hood coming off as well, a long galactic purple ponytail coming into view.

Emy smiled. "That'll be all of you. Dismissed." Kirino was about to say something to her, but he was shot a glare and so he shut his mouth. Yuuichi himself wanted to say something but abstained from doing so. He didn't know anything about these people so he might as well stay quiet.

All of the members went towards the exit, and he watched everyone from in front pass by him. It was as the last hooded person was about to leave as the girl whistled for him. "Oi! Not you. Come here." She motioned to Yuuichi as well to come closer, as she stepped down from the small podium. He was now next to the shorter person. They were the only ones left. Emy crossed her arms and sighed. "Oh boy. Now, how do I put this."

Yuuichi finally felt safe enough to talk. "So...we're partners?"

She smirked. "You've got that right."

Yuuichi frowned slightly turned to the other person. Something was off but he wasn't quite sure what. He looked down at the other individual, but was unsure what to do. "Well, if we're to work together, maybe we should start with that hood?" He said, a bit annoyed. The person sighed and put the cowl down, still looking away. It was when he turned towards Yuuichi that both of them kind of stared in shock at each other.

Same navy blue colored hair, the indistinguishable slanted copper eyes and the identical small mole beneath the mouth. He blinked a few times then turned to Emy, who just falsely coughed a couple of times.

"Well, now that we got THAT out of the way-"

"No we didn't! What the hell is this?!" He said a bit louder. "You've told me absolutely nothing ever since you got me here and I'm just about done with being kept in the dark."

She sighed. "Alright alright, let me make this easy for you two. Yuuichi, meet, well, Yuuichi. You from another timeline. Clear enough?"

"What?" They both said in unison, looking at her. They even had the same voice! Though that was unbeknownst to them. The taller boy looked at the shorter one with a bit of disbelief. "...That's how I sound like? I always thought my voice was deeper."

"Yup. Get used to it. Now, ta-ta, we need something to call you two since having the same name might be confusing." Emy said, cupping her palms together. "And I've got just the thing!"

"...You really planned this out didn't you."

"What, who, me? Of course not! What made you think so?"

He rolled his eyes as the shorter boy looked away with one hand on his other arm. Grantedly, due to his past he was a bit shyer when it came to social interactions. And being put into such a bizarre situation didn't help either.

"Right, names! You-" pointing to the spiky haired boy. "will be 'Yuui'! And you-" she said, pointing to the remaining person "will be 'Chi'. Sounds simple, yeah?"

" you just divided the name up. Wow, that sounds very 'smart'. It's stupid, I'm not doing this." 'Yuui' said.

"Well do YOU have any better ideas?" He was about to say something, but upon a raised eyebrow for Emy, he backed down and shut his mouth. "That's what I thought. And besides, you'll see it'll be fine! Once we get you two up and running, you'll be a great team! I know it."

"...What makes you so sure that this will work?" Chi finally spoke, although quietly.

"OH, it'll work alright. I have a hunch..." She said, cracking her knuckles and smiling a tad...creepily. It sent chills down both of the boys' spines.

After a bit of silence, Yuui looked up at her. "So? You said training. Where are we going?"

Emy came closer to them, putting one hand on her hip. "You'll be training at a place called God Eden."


Well, that was for chapter 1! I hope this made some sense??? It'll all become clearer in the next chapters (hopefully xD) I'll explain both their out of character behaviors soon, so until then just enjoy the ride!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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