Chapter 2: Love Letter as Lead

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Inazuma Student Council

AU fic! Inazuma High's Student Council has 3 separated dept.; Student's Support and Welfare Committee, Campus Event and Student's Management Committee and Disciplinary Committee! See how Endou, Kidou and Goenji tackle the everyday problems of high school!

~~~ Inazuma Student Council ~~~

Chapter 2: Love Letter as Lead

Next Day

"So..." Kurimatsu dragged on his speech, looking at the members of Support and Welfare Committee of Inazuma High School in confusion. "What are we doing here exactly, de yansu?" He finally asked, as he watched Endou, Kazemaru, Hiroto and Tachimukai peering from the wall where they hide themselves to look at the shoe lockers. Kurimatsu sweat dropped at their weird behaviour while Aki chuckled.

"Well, after you left the office yesterday, we held a short meeting to discuss what first step should we take and our only reliable lead now is the sender of the letter. And since you told us that you got the letter when you open your shoe locker, we suggested that the suspect must have come early to put the letter in." Aki said as the two watched the other SS members from behind.

"I'm a bit surprised when Hiroto-sempai and Tachimukai-san suddenly appeared at my door step and dragged me along to school so early in the morning for this, de yansu. I'm still" Kurimatsu let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes "sleepy." He finished his sentence with a tired voice.

"Gomen ne, Kurimatsu-san. Demo, Endou-kaichou think your presence is required as we investigate this matter, and the only time we will not bring you along is when it might become dangerous or we need to keep your identity a secret."

"Sou ka."

"Hey, hey! Someone's coming to your shoe locker, Kurimatsu-san!" Tachimukai said in a hushed voice but only loud enough for them to hear. Aki and Kurimatsu also poked their head from the corner as well to peek on the sender of the disturbing letters.

It was a pretty second year girl with auburn hair and black eyes.

"Oh, she's cute." Endou said suddenly, making Aki flustered. "Do you think she's the one playing post girl?"

"Kaichou..." Hiroto sighed.

Kazemaru shook his head wildly. "Cute girl or ugly girl, whatever! We have a job to do!" He said with undeterred determination, marching towards the unsuspecting girl. The others followed him.

"Hey." Kazemaru tapped her left shoulder and the girl turned around with a surprised face, realizing that one of the famous guys in the school is talking to her. "K-Kazemaru-kun! Is t-there something you need from me?" She asked him and the others arrived right on time.

"Yeah." Kazemaru nodded. "Are you the one who's been sending those letters to Kurimatsu?" He asked, titling his head to Kurimatsu, who started to fidget at his spot for being looked so closely by a pretty girl.

"Letters? What letters are you talking about?" She asked, blinking in confusion.

"Then what about that letter you have in your hand?" Aki shot a glance at the pink envelope in her hand.

"This letter is not for him! It's for someone else!" The girl's face flushed bright red and she frantically hid the letter behind her.

"Then why are you standing in front of Kurimatsu's shoe locker?" Endou asked, seeming a bit confused by the girl's purpose.

"E-Eh?! This is his shoe locker?!" The second year groaned in surprise and frowned at Kurimatsu. "I wasn't going to give my love letter to him!" She said loudly in disgust and Kurimatsu's heart was smashed by a hammer and into pieces.

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