The Nature Of War

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The War started as a continuation of a War that the Earth Republic lost 6 years ago,
A war called "The War Of St. Augustine"
Those born from the earth or who were descended from earth born believed that their war was their right for the Earth Republic to win this war and dominate the known universe,
That War ended in a disaster for both in cost of lives and money and ended in a collapse of the Earth Republic's Federalist Conservative Government , and a takeover from a Far Left Regime who later lost power to a Nationalist Revanchist Regime. President Roger Brixton upon being elected ,swore to his people that they would defeat the Grey Crow Alliance as revenge for their loss 6 years ago, only 2 months after his election, he declared war on all 4 nation's Of the Grey Crow Alliance,
4 months after that declaration, a Civil War/Revolution broke out in the Kingdom Galmany, the Royal Family Of Galmany was all killed except for the Crown Prince, a new nation calling themselves the Empire Of Galmany was created, and a long time rival General and Duke in Galmany declared himself Emperor and Generalissimo Of Galmany, and ally of the Earth Republic, his name was Klevlin Rastbon.

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