Bewitched (Epilogue)

Start from the beginning


The clock had struck midnight when Tiffany stepped out of the bathroom. She was exhausted and wanted nothing but to crash in bed and catch up on some much needed sleep.

But all thoughts of ending her day disappeared when her doorbell rang.

She stopped in her tracks, groaned then decided to ignore it, pretending to be asleep. No one in their right mind would ring someone's doorbell at midnight anyway. Probably some drunk.

But the ringing never stopped and she ended up stomping her way to the door, ready to scold whoever the visitor was.

She peeked through the peephole and saw no one.

Pranksters? Really? At this hour?!

She muttered a curse and was about to go back inside when the doorbell rang again, surprising her until she jerked in place.

Without much thought, she pushed the door open hastily.

"Do you even know what time-..."

There was no one there even though she thought she heard the small echo of a door closing nearby.

"The hell..."

Tiffany wanted to slam the door shut but her eyes caught something on the floor.

There was a small bouquet of pink roses and what looked like an illustrated children's book lying under it.

Tiffany looked around but saw no one. She carefully bent down to pick the objects up and saw that there were six pink roses in the bouquet.

Frowning, she checked the quiet corridor once more and took the items inside.

There was no card with the bouquet so she checked the book, read the title and raised her eyebrows.

"Six and counting," the large letters read. "By Kim Taeyeon and Hwang Tiffany."

The cover showed a drawing of two people, girls, holding hands while standing in front of a house. There was a car and a dog too, just like your typical children's drawing.

"Taeyeon?" mumbled Tiffany. She set the bouquet down and opened the book to start reading.

On the first page was a drawing of a smiling girl with long dark hair, sitting on a couch in a living room. There were other people around the girl but only she was clearly and brightly colored.

"There was once a girl named Taeyeon who came to her friend's house only to see the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. That girl was named Tiffany," read the large black printed letters above the drawing. "In Taeyeon's eyes, everyone else faded when Tiffany was in the room."

A smile began to spread on Tiffany's face as she continued to the next page.

The second page showed the same long haired girl talking to another, darker, girl with longer hair near a table with drinks on it. The background remained unchanged: it was still the living room from the first picture.

"Taeyeon really liked Tiffany but since her best friend also liked her, she cowardly backed away, thinking that she was doing the right thing. Little did she know that Tiffany had also taken a liking to her since that first meeting."

Tiffany turned the page and the next scene was of the smiling girl greeting another, new, girl with brown hair who was a bit shorter than her. The tanned tall girl from the previous picture was drawn standing behind her.

The short girl was smiling but there was a thought bubble forming near her head with a broken heart drawn in it.

"Tiffany tried to talk to Taeyeon and get close to her but Taeyeon was too stupid to understand. She didn't want to hurt her best friend's feelings so she kept her distance even though she wanted nothing but to get to know Tiffany better as well."

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