Cora wore a large grin, "no, actually. I guessed." She told him, watching him flip his fingers through the pages before he set it on the table, and pulled her into a side hug.

"Thank you, thank you so much- May wanted to get it for me but she couldn't find it anywhere because it's being bought up like crazy- enough about me, open yours!" Peter exclaimed, jumping a bit on the couch.

"Okay, okay." Cora giggled, and opened the small gift. Her eyebrows raised when she realised it was a CD, because quite frankly she still used a CD player, and her jaw dropped when she sat the title. Meat Loaf - Bat Out of Hell. It was a 1977 legend of an album, but she had never gotten a hold of the CD. "Oh my gosh, I love it!" She nearly shouted before she wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug, Peter only giving a small laugh in response and hugging her back.

"I asked May what was popular in the 70s, because she was born in '74, she might have a slight idea. She told me her Dad used to play this all the time until she was 15, in '89." Peter explained, letting go at the same time as Cora.

"Yeah, the guy toured on this album for 13 solid years.. Thank you, Pete." She said, unable to get rid of her smile. "Now, why don't we put on Christmas music and make those pancakes?" She asked, earning a quick nod from Peter.

The two got up, Cora going to his radio in the living room as he went to the kitchen and was pulling out ingredients. She let our a giggle of pure happiness when Michael Bublè played through the speakers, because not only was he her favourite Christmas artist, but she was having a date with Peter. Truly a Christmas miracle, if she did say do herself.

"Okay so.. I have the flour.. milk.. butter, eggs, strawberries, sugar, baking soda, and May always throws in a little cinnamon." Peter said from the kitchen, Cora walking over.

"Peter no, that's salt, not sugar."

Peter furrowed his eyebrows and looked over the ingredients again before realising his mistake. "Oh, shit." He said and quickly switched them out, shaking his head, "that could've gone horribly wrong."

"Horribly wrong indeed, but let's get cooking, Parker." Cora said, taking a hair tie off her wrist and throwing her blonde hair into a top knot, the loose pieces around her face hanging. Peter couldn't help but look at her with a grin displayed on his face. She caught his glance, furrowing her eyebrows. "What?"

Peter's eyes widened when she snapped him out of his trance, and he rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. "Nothing- you just- y-you look really pretty." He stammered before lowering his head to hide the blush that was forming from embrassment. Cora felt her cheeks flare up, before she got a cocky smirk on her face when she noticed he was blushing.

"Thanks, cutie." She said, her own voice filled with confidence. "Now pass me the mixing bowl."

While they were making the mix, Cora heard Peter every once and a while sing along quietly to whatever song was playing on the radio. She actually quite liked his voice, it was smooth and calming in a way.

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.." Peter sang to himself, thinking Cora couldn't hear. "Toys in every store.." he continued, putting more mix onto the pancake griddle.

"You sing often, Pete?" Cora suddenly asked, causing Peter to nearly jump out of his own skin. His face flushed again when he realised she heard him, and probably had all along.

"Uh- no, no. I don't." He said, Cora rolling het eyes but mentally screaming because he was just so cute. "I'll stop now." He added, and she felt her heart drop.

"No! Keep singing, I like it." She told him, appearing next to him on the griddle. He only held back a grin and shook his head, receiving a pout from her in response. "Come on.. I'll sing with you!" She suggested, grabbing his hands and pulling him away from the grill. "I'll even dance if I have to, but you're singing, Parker!"

"Why are you like this?" He asked, stifling a laugh at how eager she was to get him to sing along to Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer.

"Because, I like this song and quite frankly, it's quite adorable when you sing." She mentioned, watching him press his lips into a thin line to hold off from blushing for the 30th time in the pass hour. His face would be permanently red by the time she went home if he got flustered so easily. "Come on.." She pressed, pulling on his hands. Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, has a very shiny nose.." She sang softly, and Peter couldn't help but let his smile show.

After about 30 seconds, he finally joined in, and laughed in between words as she dramatically spun him around the kitchen. He had to stop at one point to take off the last pancake and turn off the griddle, but other than that, she could keeo him singing for a good ten minutes.

"Deck the halls with boughs of holly!" Cora sang, grabbing the plate of pancakes and making her way to the couch. Peter told her they would eat while watching movies, so they settled on the couch. Peter let out a giggle when she danced on her way there, being so over-dramatic until she sat down.

On his way over he shut off the stereo, before putting Home Alone into the DVD player and setting up the TV. They already had forks and knives set up on the coffee table, along with hot chocolate and syrup. He sat down next to her, and she moved into his side, trying to play it off as 'its easier to share the plate this way' and he just let her believe it.

"You know," Cora said quietly about halfway through the movie, the pancakes long gone and the plate set on the coffee table, "this is probably one of the best Christmases I've had in a while." She told Peter, looking up at him. Her legs were thrown over his and her head was comfortably tested on his chest, his arms wrapped around her securely.

Peter grinned, pulling her into his chest even more, if that was even possible. "Well, I'm glad I made it one of the best." He replied, tucking her hair behind her ear before she gave him a grateful smile, and settled into his chest again.

If Peter were to tell his freshman self that he would be cuddled with Cora Falker on his couch on Christmas day while watching the Home Alone series by the time he was half way through sophomore year.. he wouldn't have believed it. But here he was, cuddling her with her head in his chest.

His freshman self wouldn't have believed it because my God, while would a girl like Cora ever talk to him? Cora was amazing to him, absolutely remarkable. One thing she did a lot in grade nine was read. She used to read so often, mostly classics, which Peter could never get into himself. He tried Pride and Prejudice, but he couldn't follow it. And yes, he definitely tried to read it one day just because he saw Cora reading it in English class one morning.

She was so smart, and so kind. Her kindness surprised him, considering she was friends with someone as sassy as Michelle. She was kind to everyone, even Flash, but she did find it hard sometimes. Ironically enough, she also didn't take anyone's bullshit. If you crossed Cora Falker, she wasn't letting it slide.

Peter just found her brilliant, he couldn't put it into words. Now, they he knew her on a more personal level, his thoughts were only proven. She basically raised Penny, and somehow stayed sane through all of this sudden change with her mother. How she did it, Peter would never know.

When Cora went home at around 10, he gave her the tightest hug he had ever given and he turned as red ad the strawberries in their pancakes when she kissed his cheek before leaving. It was their first date, ane they both agreed they wanted to have more. It was one of Cora's best Christmases in a long time, and Peter was grateful to be one of the reasons.

For Peter, it was his first Christmas without Uncle Ben.. and it probably couldn't have gotten better.


my babies I love them

hope u do too

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