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They say that good friends are like stars.

You don't always see them, but you know they're always there.

It's an old saying I've heard of from a lot of people and my family, and I always believed it was true.

Back in middle school, I was always left out because I'm shy and/or socially awkward; an odd one out.

I love to gaze at the stars. I always wanted school to end quickly so I could go home and wait for the sky to be covered in darkness and countless stars, like a blanket. I could stare at the night sky and never get tired of it.

Speaking of middle school, I've had one friend who liked the night sky just as much as I did. He was awkward and weird, like me. He had black hair with one hair sticking up, round, brown eyes, and freckles. Never stood out, like me, but was very kind and gentle.

We became friends the moment he saw my galaxy themed bag and star-filled notebook cover, and told me he was interested in stars and constellations.

Since then, we were inseparable. We were always made fun of, bullied and such, but we'd always protect each other, no matter how weak we were.

We didn't mind.

We didn't care.

We were so okay with each other's company; we even went stargazing almost every night, and he often slept over in my house.

To be honest, I've had a small crush on him. The way he looked at the stars... He was like a little boy passing by a shop filled with sweets— always amazed and mesmerized. Everytime we talked about the sky and get ourselves into doing research on it, there's this... Determination... And passion... That I can't explain.

And with that, I thought I could get used to having someone like that in my life for a long time. It wasn't the love kind of thing, but I cared for this boy.

He was my best friend.

But of course, it all ends too soon.

We got separated because he had to transfer to another school. We lost contact, and I felt alone again.

At least I felt accepted, for once.

Not long after my friend transferred, me and my family moved to another place.

Since then, things changed.

Since then, I never forgot about that boy. Sure, I may have made some friends in a new place and in a new school. But it felt different when I met someone who was into the things I'm passionate about... Different in a good way.

Since then, there may have been a little hope that I would meet him again...

One day, I will meet Tadashi again.

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