Starr and Moony

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My body pulled me closer to Remus's. 'Moony, Moony are you awake.' My wolf asked awaking Moony.

'Yes, I am.' Our wolves take over our body or at least mine. Remus was trying to control his with no such luck. Finally, he gave up and so did I. "Just this once ok Hermione?"

"Yes ok." Then as if the wolves wherein they're formed we crashed into each other. His warm lips on mine. It wasn't our fault or so I thought.

"Hermione wake up!!!" Remus shoved me awake. I complain as he pulls me off the bed. "What were you doing in my bed anyway?"

All I could say was "Starr did it to me." I start to cry not knowing what was going on with me. And Remus was most likely angry with me oh why world?

'Wow, now you made her cry. Good job.' 'Shut up Moony. You made her come in. That was too dangerous. If I got out of control...' 'Oh please you liked it.'

"I should go now, Remus. I'm sorry I caused you pain." I say as I start to walk away.

"Wait I'm sorry. Moony did it to you and I know it's not right." I smile to let him know that it's ok then I get ready to get up for the day.

Hermione x RemusWhere stories live. Discover now