I make her look at me. "I don't think that will happen. Your gonna have to get used to it without your dad."

Jacqueline walks in as Ayesha cries even more.

"Stop crying Ayesh come on. You can stay with Jacqs Masi." She cuddles her.

I wipe the tears falling from my eyes.

I leave them to it and go sit back downstairs.

"What do you think?" Sweety asks.

I look at Varun.

Jacqueline's POV

"WHAT?!" Mum and I say shocked to what Birdy tells us.

"Nani!" Ayesha and the twins cry.

"Is that girl mad?! And why is she interfering when we aren't and we're family?" I say annoyed.

"As if we're gonna let that even happen." Mum

My phone suddenly rings. I go to a side and answer it.


"Hi Jacqueline it's me, Kriti."

"Hi! How are you?" I ask.

"Great! Alia's in such a bad state right now. She's not eating or anything and it's really worrying." She says with worry.

"Don't worry I'm coming soon." I end the call.

"Who was that?" Mum asks.

I then explain.

"Can we go see Mumma?" The twins ask.

"Right, Taapsee and I will go to Alia and find out exactly what happened and we'll take Valia, Varia and Kavya with us. Mum you go to Sidharth with Birdy take Ayesha, Abhi and Sia and find out his side of the story ok?"

Taapsee and I go downstairs and as we're about to leave we're stopped by Shraddha. "Where are you going?" She questions.

"Just taking the kids out Birdy and Mum should be joining us too." I casually say and we leave and go to Kriti's house.

"Mum!" The girls run into Alias embrace as we walk in.

"My babies!" She weeps hugging them tightly.

"Alia what actually happened that night?" I ask.

"Well I had my fashion show to run at work so I was busy organising that and it was all over at midnight and I went straight home after that. I did not go to Shraddha's house at all so I don't know why Sidharth's accused me of such a disgusting act. It's destroyed my life and my family." Tears leave her eyes.

Birdy's POV

Mum and I go to where Siddhu's staying. The door opens revealing Siddhu in a wrecked state.

"Papa!" The kids hug him.

"Hi my darlings!" He smiles. He then comes towards me. "You've finally come with our kids."

"Siddhu I'm not Shraddhi." I say.

"Oh. Of course not." He wipes his tears.

"Look Sidharth things are not in a good place at the moment and whatever's happen is breaking you both and your kids. Just tell us with a clear mind what exactly happened." Mum says.

"So Sweety has bought food for me as Shraddha told her to and I drank my drink and started feeling dizzy and my vision was going blurry. Sweety said she's leaving and then Alia suddenly comes out of no where and kisses me saying don't worry Shraddha won't know. I wasn't in my complete senses." He frustratedly says.

Jacqueline's POV

We all get together at my house excluding Shraddha and Varun and Alia tells Sidharth that she wasn't there.

"Who was it then?" Sidharth asks confused.

"Sweeetyy!!" Birdy grits her teeth.

"We need to put a stop to this before she wrecks your lives completely by getting Shraddha and Varun married!" I state.

"WHAT?!" Alia and Sidharth jump out of their seats.


"Relax we won't let it happen! I have a plan!" I smirk deviously.

Sweety's POV

"So? Just think about your kids! Nothing else!"

"Arrange the divorce papers."

What plan does Jacqueline have? Will it work? Will Shraddha and Varun get married?

Keep reading...

~ S & A

The CBF Series : Book 3Where stories live. Discover now