Senario #1

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I'll start with and AU, because I'm only good at those.

So this will be a high school AU where each group (Straw Hats, Heart Pirates, Kid Pirates, Don Quixote Family, etc.) is a club.

Depending on who your love interest is, we might have to pull a few strings on the age of everyone. But we can discuss that further at a different time!

You recently move into town (change schools) only to be told that you need to join a club. It's not as easy as most people would believe because the clubs at this school, are competitive.

This means as soon as people find out about you being the new girl/boy in school, you're the talk of everyone and everyone wants you to be in their club!

Form you need to fill out:

What year are they in high school:
Love Interest:
Other Information:
The group she'll end up joining:

OC that I'll be using:

Name: Aka (She never received her last name, she guesses that it would be in the file that the "doctors" have of her.)
Nickname: Doesn't really have one.
Year: (Depends on who you are with and all that jazz. We'll figure it out later... ^^")
Gender: Female
Personality: She's super friendly and will go out of her way for her friends safety. She's surprisingly persuasive and can get anybody to do what she wants. She starts off really trusting people, even when most people wouldn't like them, and tries to understand why they do the things they do. She might seem like a ditz, but she actually has a great mind. She always greets people with enthusiasm, even if they seem scary.
Looks: She's pretty skinny, but fit would be a better word since she doesn't try to be. Her chest size is normal... she has red hair. She has sky-blue eyes and pointy teeth, but they never show unless she pouts, which is quite often. Her outfit is ripped black skinny jeans with a long-sleeved red shirt. She has a chocolate brown belt around her waist that holds her sheath and rapier. She also wears high-heeled shoes that are only ankle high but extremely cute they can be black as well.
Likes: Red and friendly people.
Dislikes: Green and liars.
Love Interest: Kid
Other Information: She calls people by names that end in an 'e' sound.

~That's all for now~

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