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I sighed deeply and opened my eyes to stare at the ornate chandelier above my new bed at the Avons' house. I've been laying here in silence ever since I had to run in and hide. From who, you ask, Reader? From Him. I'm so stupid!

 I could scream in frustration, but I feel the desperate urge to permanently shut my mouth. But you must be so confused, Reader. Allow me to enlighten you to the nature of my dreadful humiliation. 

It was morning and I was just coming down to join everyone for breakfast, having slept in later than usual. I decided to wear one of Lizzie's old dresses and to have bacon and eggs. I began to shovel it in. Looking back on it, Reader, I can't begin to fathom why I was so hungry, but I suppose I didn't have enough for dinner the previous night. Anyway, not only did I realise too late that I apparently had the ambition of eating 10 bacon rashers in one gulp, but by then Frank and the Duchess of Avon had begun to stare at me in a most horribly pointed fashion. To make it worse, I moved my elbow to start to break the ice and say something to Frank, a hot blush steadily creeping up my neck. My elbow inadvertently knocked over his milk and not only did it go all over me but I had as good as ruined Lizzie's dress! The fabric would never recover from the stress of being washed too much, and even if we washed it enough for that to happen, I knew it would smell for aeons of spoilt milk. I ran upstairs, which surely only made it worse. 

I continued to stare up at the ceiling, having bathed and changed, recounting everything I did wrong, cursing myself for being so stupid. And I wasn't just stupid, I was stupid in front of Frank!

I was calling myself every single profanity I knew when my thoughts were interrupted.

And I heard it, my thoughts fast filling with dread.

 A faint knock on my door.

A/N: Hi, so this is my first fanfic ever, so please review! 

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