Labor pt. 1

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You and Calum declared that you both shall have a lazy day today. You spent the whole day eating and watching movies. "What movie should we put in next?" Calum asked you after the movie you just watched ended. He got up from the couch and went towards the stack of movies. "Put on a comedy film." You suggested. You noticed that the popcorn bowl is almost empty. "I'm gonna make more popcorn." You said and stood up from the couch. Upon standing up, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach but you just ignored it because being days away from your due date, occasional pains were normal. You headed to the kitchen and got a pack of microwaveable popcorn. The popcorn popped and popped until the bag inflated. You leaned towards the sink, holding your bump and felt pains again. "You okay?" Calum asked and walked towards you. "I'm having pains. But I'm not sure if I'm already in labor." You told him, groaning in pain. "Do you want to go to the hospital or stay home for a while?" He asked you. "Let's just stay here for the mean time. We're not sure yet if the baby's coming."


"I'm just gonna run to the studio for a while to record a few songs. Are you sure you're okay here alone?" Luke asked you before slipping into his shoes. "Yeah, we'll be fine." You nodded. You closed the front door of your house when Luke left. You felt a little worried about being alone because tomorrow is scheduled to be your due date and the thoughts of what if you go into labor right now and no one would be here to help you. You flopped into the couch and turned the tv on to distract yourself. In the middle of watching a cooking show, you started to feel contractions.


You have been feeling pains in your stomach the whole day but you just ignored it since you are two weeks away from you due date, you didn't think that they were contractions. While eating dinner, you kept on having pains and Ashton couldn't help but notice. "Hey, are you and the baby okay?" He stopped eating and asked you. "I don't know, Ash. I've been having pains since morning and it wouldn't stop." You answered. "Is the baby coming!?" Ashton started to panic. "I hope not. It's too early for her to come out." You said. "Well, did your water break already?" He asked, remembering the labor signs the doctor told you. "Gladly not yet. I hope it doesn't."


You were having troubles in sleeping because of the growing pains in your stomach. Michael was easily fast asleep. You tossed and turned, wanting to find a perfect position that would make the pain stop. When the pain stopped, you lightly fell asleep but after 5 minutes or so, the pain would rise again, causing you to wake up again. You recalled the date and remembered that you were two days overdue and this night could be the night you're twins will be born so you woke Michael from his sleep. "What's going on?" He groaned. "Mikey, they're coming!" You told him. "Who's coming?" He asks, trying to open his eyes. "Our twins!" you exclaimed. His eyes opened widely and his jaw dropped in awe.


Letters || L. H. - :-)

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