{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [29]

Start from the beginning

"No, I'll have to share with Brian," we both laughed.

Dakota filled me a plate and then filled one for himself and he settled beside me at the table. Matt smiled at us as we started eating.

"Wonder if the guys are all going to be on time," Kathy mused.

"Danny didn't say anything about running behind," I mentioned before taking a forkful of pancake.

"When did you talk to Danny?" Matt asked refilling his coffee.

"Just before we came down. He told her not to pack her straightener," Dakota answered for me. I swallowed and nodded.

Matt's lips twitched before he took a sip of coffee.

"What's going on Matthew," Kathy asked him sternly.

"Ah can't ruin the surprise Kathy."

"Surprise?" Jr asked eyeing him as well.

"Finish your breakfast kids. The bus will be here in 10 minutes."

"Yes Mom," we answered. 

I cleared my plate and drank the apple juice Dakota had poured me. I put my dishes in the dishwasher and headed to the stairs. As my foot landed on the first step a small hand found its way into mine.

"I'm gonna miss you guys."

"We'll miss you too bro," Jr said taking Dakota's other hand. We walked up the stairs together to get our bags. Dakota followed me into my room and sat on my bed.

"Will you call?"

"Yep, and we'll talk on skype and twitter."


"I promise and you know what? If you need to talk to me just call ok?"


I picked up my bags and smiled at him. "Ready? The bus should be here any minute."

"No," he said "I don't want you guys to leave."

"It'll be ok. Summer will go quickly and before you know it we'll all be back home again."

I heard the air breaks and then the horn for the bus.

"That's us little bro. Let's go say goodbye to everyone."

I carried my bags down the steps and handed them to Danny. Jr was hugging mom and Dakota was hugging Matt. Jason came over and picked Dakota up.

"Hey little man we were going to wait until later to surprise you but I think maybe it'll help now."


"We put computers and skype at both grandparents houses for you. So you can expect a skype from everyone right before each show ok?"


The bus horn honked again.

I hugged Dakota. "It's going to be alright you'll see." I hugged mom and then followed everyone out to the bus. climbing aboard I found a spot saved for me right next to Danny who was sitting on one of the couches with a gift. Jr had already apparently recieved a new game as a gift judging from the wrapping paper on the ground.

"God Jr not even 5 minutes on the bus and you are already destroying the place," I say as I pick up his paper and dispose of it.

"Whatever Sis, open your gift."

I smiled shyly as I slowly lowered myself beside Danny. My heart was pounding and I felt my fingers tingle when they brushed his as I took my gift.

"I hope you like it. It's the first time we've had you all here so we thought we would start a new tradition."

"I'm sure I'll like it." I carefully peeled open the paper to reveal a new wet/dry straightener.

"Thanks Danny! Now it makes sense why you told me to leave mine."

"Yeah after being on tour with Brian for so long I thought you might need some advantages over De."

I laughed. "Absolutely and it's perfect." I leaned over and hugged him taking an extra minute to imprint the feel of his chest against my cheek and the scent of his cologne.

"How is Dakota taking it?" Val asked Matt.

"Not so good. He didn't want us to leave even after we told him about the surprise." Matt rubbed the back of his neck. "Maybe we should have waited until he was older."

"He'll be fine. It's just a big adjustment for him. But you'll see it'll be good for him. He'll be more independent by the end of the summer," Lindsay commented.

"I hope you are right," Matt said thoughtfully as he turned his attention inward.

"Where are the other girls?" I asked Danny.

"They decided to go nap in their bunks this morning, and don't give me that look the bunks were already assigned yesterday. No unfair advantages."

"Alright, I think I might go take a nap too. What time is the first show?"

"Not until eight tonight. We'll be at the venue by noon though so make sure you are ready to start working by 12:30."

"Alright. Thanks again for the straightener."

"No problem kiddo," he said tugging on a section of my new short hair. I stood up and smiled at Matt who's eyes had slid to me. I made my way back to the bunk area and found my nametag. I had to laugh a little as they had used little kid name tags, you know, the ones that have a dotted line in the middle to help you form your letters and they all had little bugs on them. Mine was a lady bug, De had a bee, Jr was an ant and Ash was a butterfly. I saw the guys had the same nametags too but before I could investigate further I felt my phone vibrate. I checked it and saw that it was from Dakota.

Whatcha doing?

I snapped a picture of my bunk including the name tag and sent it to him.

I found my bunk and I'm going to take a nap what are you doing.

I was going to play xbox but now I'm going to take a nap too.

love you little bro

miss you sis

I climbed into my bunk and set my alarm for 11. I just hoped they remembered to stock the bus with coffee.


Ok so time for an update. I wanted to apologize although I know I sound like a broken record lately for not getting an update out before now. This is only about 1/4 of what I wanted to happen in this chapter but I felt you guys deserved something for waiting so long already. I'm not sure when I will be able to update again but it most likely won't be until sometime in August. I hope to be able to regularly update from there out. As some of you know I got accepted back to college. This is a good thing but it's also causing a lot of disturbance in my life as we have been apartment hunting and now moving and I've been applying for jobs and doing interviews. Right now I'm looking at possibly transfering offices which would save me a little time but not much as I will have a different position there. I also on an even more personal note lost a close friend of mine this past Sunday to brain cancer and two coworkers in the last month to other health related issues. Writing is soothing but it's something James and I shared so at the moment it's also a little difficult. If I can I'll update before August but I can't guarentee a post before then. For those of you who are still bearing with me, thank you it's greatly appreciated.

{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now