Part 24) Trial

Começar do início

How long had he been awake? Not long enough for Romeo or I to notice.

I cursed under my breath refusing to face him. Romeo's hands settled around my ass lifting me off him. I physically ache as he pulls away.

I hang my head sitting in a chair between the both of them.

"Fuck." He grumbles. "Fuck!"

He thrashes beneath the ropes on his arms. Realizing it's useless he looks around at our mess. I crossed my legs and held my arms over my chest.

"Hello Greyson." Romeo's deep monotone voice sent chills down my back.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked in his charming boyish voice as Romeo strolls towards him.

"The guy who knows all your fucking secrets." He quickly becomes violent stabbing a steak knife down onto the table.

A fireplace crackled in the background.

"I don't have any!" He claimed in desperation. "What did you do to my girlfriend?!"

I let a sob slip out knowing everything he said about me would hurt Romeo. And ultimately him.

Romeo chuckled quietly shaking his head.

"She was my wife before she was ever your American girlfriend." He spit in his heaviest accent sitting across from him.

"Romeo please!" I begged gasping.

"Silenzio!" He hissed at me.

I did as told laying my head on the back of the chair.

"CeCe What is he talking about? You're only twenty?!" Greyson shook.

I looked away choking on my tears.

"Tell him Cecilia." Romeo spoke harshly.

He couldn't look at me either.

"I'm sorry Greyson." Was all I could get out before tears overwhelmed me.

"You want to make big girl mistakes then act like one! STAND UP LIKE A WOMAN!" He shouted at me furiously.

I jumped frightened. He's never been so cruel. I didn't even know the man a few minutes ago. I tried to rise but fell limp in a sobbing mess.

"FACE HIM!" He demanded.

I turned to Greyson once more. "I'm sorry I never told you. I was apart of an Italian arranged marriage." I cried.

His poor eyes grew to the size of quarters. He had no idea.

"Why didn't you call the police?!" He shook in his chair.

"He would have killed me!" I cried.

"Do you know what the punishment for sleeping with another mans wife is in Italy Greyson?" Romeo glares at me across the table.

"Oh God, help me!" The helpless man cried.

This pleased Romeo. A smile licked his lips.

"The husband gifts him a Columbian neck tie. But for Cecilia's sake I will spare you that gore, since I assume it was consensual."

A sigh rolls out of Greyson.

"But you will not go unpunished." He stood.

Greyson's eyes opened again. "Cecilia please? Do something!"

"Romeo!" My heart pounded against my chest faster than it ever had.

"What?!" He turned hastily.

I was stunned with fear. "What are you thinking?" I looked away from his eyes that so hazily settled on me.

His creepy smile grew wider. My stomach turned.

"I'm thinking about laying you down on this table and tearing you in half with my horse cock." He spit before walking away.

"Stop him!" Greyson panicked with a hoarse worried voice.

I stood on shaky legs not eager to find him. But I had to make sure Greyson made it out alive. I only made it to the door way before running back into Romeo's towering frame.

I fell back into the floor at the sight of his shadowy face in the dark. He stepped forward to reveal a sledge hammer in his grip. My eyes rolled over his messy white button up and slacks. Where had he been?

He stepped right past me back to the table.

"Romeo!" A blood curdling scream poured out of me.

He didn't flinch making his way to Greyson. Greyson screamed and rattled his chair. I covered my ears screaming as well.

He undid the ropes on his right hand pulling half of Greyson's body across the table. He held the hand down in front of his face.

"No! No, please!" He cried. "I'll do anything! I'm sorry!" He continued to plea.

Romeo didn't hesitate swinging the sledge hammer up and down onto his struggling hand. I ran and tugged on his shirt and pulled at his pants legs. It was no use. He kept hammering onto Greyson's trembling hand. He screamed so loud.

I eventually tugged hard enough pulling Romeo's pants down.

"Smettila Cecilia!" He kicked me away and grabbed at his belt with his free hand.

(Stop it)

I cried uselessly hitting Romeo but he wouldn't acknowledge me anymore. When Romeo finally pulled away from Greyson, his hand was an unrecognizable pulp.

I sobbed for him. Romeo left him there to look at the mangled mess as he returned the hammer. He returned dragging a wooden box behind him.

Greyson cried quietly. Romeo untied the rest of his restraints and drug him to the floor. Greyson barely had any fight left. He'd probably never been in one in his life.

Romeo lifted his bod into the body sized box and pulled over the lid. Greyson screamed as each nail went in.

"You'll be back in America by tomorrow." He kicked the box aside and faced me.

Italian PsychoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora