II. Unhappy Reunion

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I know you're probably sick of seeing notifications from me that are not updates (but me fixing errors and publishing changes). But SURPRISE! This is a real update! And I'm not sure how I like it, but I think it's pretty okay... ;? The next chapter will get to some Stevie-Lindsey finally. And on with the show, Lena

Stevie was a coward. 

Plain and simple. Her walking away or doing nothing or allowing the words that needed to be said go unsaid...she always thought those were signs of her strength. They had been signs of her utter belief in destiny and her self-assuredness. 

Now she was just a frightened little girl. Worse, a frightened old woman.

I'm not old! I have a sexy body that has often driven Lindsey to distraction--even in recent years! That CHILD Lindsey was entangled with in that tabloid photo has nothing on me. She may be able to bend like a pretzel, she may have a total lack of cellulite, she may have the longest legs and larger breasts and a tighter rear end and... 

Oh, who am I kidding?! This woman looked to be a supermodel! But she still isn't me. I know Lindsey inside and out and backward and forward and every which way there is to know a man. I know his fears and his triggers. I know his turn-ons and every little thing that drives him mad with uncontrollable desire. I know his secret dreams and desires and regrets. I was there for every one of his mistakes and his triumphs. I know how he feels about each person in his life. I know when he's had a good day with the kids, when he's strained his voice too much that day, and when he suddenly resents Mick again for what happened in the past. I know when he's jealous of any man that I stand by. I know when he's feeling possessive of me or needy for me. I know when he's tired of me. I know how he likes his coffee, what snacks he really likes and which healthy ones he buys just to appease Kristen. I know his favorite color and his children's first words. I know the little yawn he makes that he tries to hide when he's really tired. I know the tightening of his jaw that comes with a quickly mounting annoyance. I can tell by watching his eyes which guitar he has his heart set on using today. I know his real laugh and his appeasing laugh and his uncomfortable laugh and the laugh he uses to put people at ease. I know how his gorgeous blue eyes change color and what each different shade of blue and grey and bluish-grey means. I know it all, Little Girl. I know him. So you better run for your life. Because here I come. I'm not relinquishing my place in his life. Never again.

Even though we have not shared a life, we share our lives. He is my soul mate and my heart and soul and the keeper of my heart. That's how it's always been since the day I first met him, and that's how it always will be--if I have anything to say about it!

This lady right here is NO coward. 


I've decided I'll keep an open mind.

Stevie had Karen take her to that address Kristen provided. What a swank apartment! She never thought this was the kind of real estate Lindsey would invest in! 

Apparently, we can still surprise each other, even after more than forty years together, Stevie thought drily. 

She didn't even want to consider how the surprises of the past had typically ended up being unpleasant ones. "Cancel our lunch, Stevie! I'm going to go meet Cheri's family today!" Not showing up to visit her when she got out of rehab. Not attending her parents' funerals. "I'm sorry, baby. Kristen's pregnant. It's mine. We're having a boy." "Stevie, look, I know it's our anniversary, but Kristen wants me at home. She promised I'd chaperone the dance with her. It's not a real anniversary after all..." "I know we planned that special getaway to Venice, but Stella's just too sick for me to leave." The biggest lie and surprise she'd heard over and over in her life, like a broken record: "I'm not happy in my marriage anymore, baby. I'll talk to her" and then "Stevie, you've got to understand. This is a delicate situation, Angel. I can't hurt the kids--not right now. Just wait a little bit longer."

Stevie stared up at the glitzy, high-rise apartment. She steeled herself, determined that she would meet whatever was inside head-on. 


"Lindsey! Babe! Someone's at the door for you!" 

"Who is it, honey?" Lindsey called back.

"I don't know? Let me find out!" The platinum blonde, Norwegian goddess finally opened the door all the way and turned her body to fully face the woman at the door.

"What's your name, sweetie?"

Stevie stared at her new would-be competition. Oh, brother! She's one of THOSE people. I cannot stand those women who use pet names like they use saran wrap. To make it worse, THIS is much worse than I thought. That picture did NOT do her justice.

"CAROLINE! Have you seen my pants?!" 

"No, dear." Caroline told Lindsey to his face as he entered the room.

Lindsey had on a day-old charcoal-colored v-neck and some black silk boxers. They looked brand new. His silver curls were flying in all directions. Probably the result of some very slutty, sweaty, and hopefully dissatisfying sex, Stevie thought snidely.

"Oh hi, Stevie." Lindsey gulped. This would not be a good day for him.

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