~Time Skip to Moring because nothing is going to happen~

I woke up to see an empty bed. I found a note from Skylar on her pillow. It was for me so I read it.


Hey Sleepy head! If you are reading this then you just woke up and it's probably 2:00 pm because you never wake up early! But anyways if you're woundering where I am, I'm at the mall with Bethy, Bree, and Dylan getting some stuff like clothes and food! So don't think that I was kidnapped or anything! XD Well see you when I get back! Oh and I made you some breakfast for when you get up! Luv you babe!


P.S. Don't forget to make a video with Jords today! You always forget to do it! XD luv you! ♥♥♥


I smiled then looked at the time "it's only 10:35!" I laughed then went downstairs. "Hey Isaac!" Jordan said eating some Rice Crispies. "You woke up late too?" I asked. "Ya Bree left a note saying her and the girls went to the mall!" he said. "I know I got a note from Sky!" I said. "Oh well your breakfast is in the fridge!" he said. "Okay!" I said grabbing the pancakes and syrup. "Yummy!" I said putting the pancakes in the microwave. Then I poured a glass of orange juice, then the microwave beeped and I got the pancakes out and put some syrup on it. Then I sat down and ate my breakfast.

~After breakfast because I'm the laziest person ever~

I put the dishes in the sink then went upstairs to get ready. I put on my Rubix shirt with some jeans then brushed my teeth. "Jordan are you ready for the video yet?" I asked walking back downstairs. "Oh crap I forgot!" he put his bowl and spoon in the sink then ran upstairs to get ready for the video. He came back down wearing his Superman shirt, blue plaid jacket and jeans. "Lets go!" he said and we both went upstairs and got are computers set up. We got on skype and started the video.


"Greeting's Fellow Adventurers this is Venturian with HomelessGoomba and today we are playing yet another Horror map in gmod!"

"It's scarey!"

"Okay so....Something interesting about this horror map is that when we first spawned in....we already got a screamer! This is just going to be a video of me and Isaac screaming like little girls when they saw Justin Beiber at a concert!"

Impossible Girl (Venturiantale)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt