Getting to PAX

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You were tossing and turning in your bed all night waiting to see what panels you were going to be on for PAX east. You slowly fell to sleep. Once you woke up in the morning you read through your emails.

You see a email in your inbox and read it aloud.

You: Dear, Y/N you have been selected for the Youtubers panel. We will see you in a couple of days.

You go over to your computer and check to see what Youtubers are on your panel.

You: Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie, and Crankgameplays.

I know Felix and Ethan.

PAX was in two days... you already live in LA so there isn't a lot of packing necessary. The next couple days you were pretty tense because this was your first PAX panel.

A day later you hear your phone buzz.

@Y/N I see that you are going to be on the YouTubers panel see you tomorrow! ~Markiplier

You were slightly fangirling on the inside because you watched Mark's videos for a couple of years and then he just tweeted at you.

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