One- "Why do you seem so scared of me?"

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Then there was a loud crack of lighting.

Then the downpour began.


Rose flinched as large raindrops started to coat her head.

Her mouth couldn't help but fall open as she saw a body hit the floor.

"Was that really necessary boss?" a man's voice said in slight distress.  

"He wasn't going to carry out the deal," said a low, snarled voice, "What else was I supposed to do?" 

The man, who Rose assumed was the man with the gun, began visible next to the body.

"Let him take my money?" The man crouched down, and tapped the barrel onto the body.

"No boss." The other man stood next to the man with the gun.

"Please take care of this." The man with the gun said sticking the gun back into his suit jacket. He started to make his way over to the main opening, which Rose was standing outside of. The moon light came through an opening in the ceiling, revealing the mans face. 

Not wanting to be seen, she quickly slid behind some boxes stacked on top of eachother. Standing there, the scene that she had just experienced kept flowing through her head.

As the man with the gun walked away, he couldn't help but feel that someone was watching him, but he just brushed it off, wrapping his jacket tighter around him as he stepped out into the storm.


"Wakey, Wakey!" Rose's third oldest brother, Chris, screamed. 

"A few more minutes." She said shoving her face into her pillow, trying to block out the sunlight.

"Rose," Leo, her oldest brother, said slipping on his shirt, "Remember you have that job interview at 10:30." 

The second he said interview, Rose shot up. She'd completey forgot about the interview that she'd scheduled. 

She quickly got dressed and threw her hair up into a sleek ponytail. 

Shuffling into the kitchen, she took at seat at the table next to Lucas, the second oldest.

"Please don't mess this interview up like you did the last." Her mother suggested putting the last bowl of food on the table.

A flashback came back of the last job interview she had went to.

Missing the bus. Starting to rain. No umbrella. Getting splashed with mud. Wearing a white shirt. Half an hour late. Spilling coffee everywhere and everyone.

Rose shuttered at the thought.

"I'll try my best." Rose said plating my food.

Leo went on a rant, talking about how she needed to start to bring in some money to contribute to the family, but Rose couldn't care less.

She'd heard this lecture from him and her mother too many times to count.

Looking over at the clock on the stove, she rose from her seat, taking one last bit of her food, and grabbed her coat.

Slipping on her shoes, she said a quick goodbye to everyone, even though Leo and her mother were too busy talking about they're plans for the day, and Lucas and Chris were now in the living room watching cartoons. 


Sitting on the bus, Rose slipped her earbuds in.

Typically, she'd listen to other people's conversations, not in a creepy way. But today, she wanted to get her mind into a perfectial state.

The bus stopped in front of the law firm.

Rose got off with at least half a dozen others.

Straightening out her skirt, she confidently walked through the automatic sliding doors.

"I'm here to meet with Mr. Jae." Rose said to the lady behind the tall marble counter.

"Yes, he's waiting for you. Level 8." The lady said pointing over to the elevators.

Rose quietly thanked her and walked over to the elevator and pressed the the arrow pointing up beside the doors.

As she was waiting for the elevator to arrive, she examined the building, and analized how expensive it must of been to build the building.

"Miss are you getting in?" A middle aged man asked holding the door.

"Um, yes. I'm sorry." Rose quickly shot out of her gaze and stepped in, feeling quite frazzled.

The bell silently dinged as the elevator escalated. 

The number landed on 8, and Rose exited the elevator.

She greeted the lady at the desk outside his office door, and she kindly said he was waiting for her.

Before entering, she checked her phone, and it read off 10:28 a.m.

She silently did a victory squeal for being two minutes early.

Rose took a step towards the door and knocked, walking in.

"I told you not to walk in, even when you knock, before I say come in." Mr. Jae sat turn away from Rose.

"I-i'm sorry." She said biting the inside of her lip out of habit.

Mr. Jae quickly spun around, with shock on his face.

"Oh," His face quickly dropped the shocked look, "I thought you were someone else." 

She nodded, and took a seat in one of the leather seats in front of his desk.

"So," He said looking up, "You would like a job here?" 

As he looked up, Rose froze.

She'd seen that face before.

That night flashed through her head.

 The moon light came through an opening in the ceiling, revealing the mans face. 

Her eyes widened as she realized who he was.

"Miss. Nixon?" He said closing his file.

She blinked, trying not to show the fear on her face.

"Um-" Before she could answer his question, he interupted her.

"Why do you seem so scared of me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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