Chapter 1: Abuse

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When Nick goes to school, he gets bullied by these kids named Carol, Devine, Liam, and Samantha. He has every single class with all 4 of them except for Math. Nick gets bullied for the craziest reasons. One time he actually got in a fight with 2 of the kids. Let's take a look at the fight

                  At the fight:

Nick: Give me back my lunch money

Liam: No not until you do it.

Nick: No its disgusting

Liam: well the I'm not giving you your lunch then

Nick: fine

(as Nick is about to lick Liam's shoe, the principle walks by)

Principal: What are you guys doing, you do realize that you can not do that in the hallway.

Nick: well, Liam...

(Just as Nick was going to tell on Liam, Liam lets him go, when he let go, the principle starts to walk away)

Liam: ooooh Im going to kick your butt

Nick:(starts to run away) NOOOOOOOOOOOO

Liam:(punches Nick until he isn't able t speak) That's what you get

Well that was one of the reasons why Nick gets bullied. It's crazy that Nick gets bullied at school and even at home too. When he goes home, it makes things worse, His family are catholic so they believe that they can't do anything about the bullying, but God can. His parents don't take care of him. His parents abuse him for not being catholic because he is gay. 

                                                   One of the moments...

Mom: Why can't you be like your brother and be catholic

Nick: it's my decision, I'm aloud to believe what I believe.

Mom: That's it!!! (Mom hits Nick in the face and grabs his ear and says...)

I hope you guys like my new story, if you guys want me to keep doing this story then like and comment, btw i left you guys and girls a cliffhanger.

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