It Fell from the Sky

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I'm back writing.My computer is broken n no,CoolPayne didn't do it,it was my dog.Anyways here's first ever Black Haze Fanfiction take place after chapter 44.This is a short chapter.



I'm falling but where.I open my eyes to see a dark evil sky.I'm suppose to do something but what was it?My head starts to hurt as I sense a large amount of dark magic.I had a partner but I don't remember what they look like. As I fall I pass a large rock floating in the air and I smell a demon human hybrid.Two people come into view and I'm heading straight for the one floating upside down."AHHH I CAN'T STOP MYSELF!!!"I scream

Blow's POV.

I try to fly up the cliff but then-"Hey" I look up to see some guy upside down in front of me." you think you're going?..Hmmm?"Is he trying to stop me?Out of nowhere I hear screaming and look to the side to see a girl with a long red scarf flying toward us.She ends up headbutting the guy right into a tree.She swings her scarf and grabs my scythe with the scarf, to swing her into me.I open my eyes to see her scramble to her feet and covers up something on her head with her hands.Her scarf was so long that it wrapped around me and her neck."I'm sorry.So sorry.Its just was was here and there and flying.I'm sorry!I just couldn't -"She was in a panic and walking all over the place."I-I have to go.I'm kinda in a hurry."I say getting up."Oh why didn't you say so.Are you trying to get on the top of that cliff cuz I saw some crazy things going on up there."the girl stops and smiles.I nod slowly."Ok.Let's go." "Stop right there."shouts the guy from earlier walking towards us."Oh you're still alive."says the girl. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!"yells the guy."Well hehe.I don't know how to stop."explains the girl."Well anyways,You're trying to get up there?"he asks pointing at the rock. I couldn't sense this guys presence at all."You-"I start to say."Who are you?"asks the girl as she beats me to the punch.


I asked this strange guy who he was and he just smirks."Do you know what's going on on that rock?"Then the Magician next to me asks a question."Are you an alley of whoever is behind this?" he asks. "That's mean.Now why would I side with a traitor?"he grins. So there's a traitor?A traitor of what? "So wait, you're not with that crazy guy and the kids?" I asks getting confused. "Are you trying to save the humans?"he asks."I guess I could but I'm just curious.But I think this guy is?"I smile as I point to the Magician.The guy looks dumbfounded as the Magician spiked up a bit in shock.What?Did I say something wrong? "Let me get this straight.You don't know him and yet you're helping him?"he explains and chuckles. "Yep.I guess."I say as I put my hood from my combat jacket.

"Well anyways I can't let either of you do that."says the guy.He's starting to get annoying. "And why not?"asks the Magician."I need to know what the traitor plans on doing with those humans."he says."Trying to kill them duh.Now can you please let us past.There's something I want to check out."I say."But Why?"the guy starts to say.Then he places his hand on his chin."Killing a couple of bugs won't amount to anything,"He says.Rage flames up inside me.That's what SHE use to say.


In a flash before I could react,a shadow flies pass me and the guy was sent flying into a mountain.I blink to see that girl,angry with her foot on the guy's chest.Her eyes were turning from lavender to red."Tell me what you know and quit stalling."growls the girl.

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