chapter 047 // no way... pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"The people who don't do hero work but instead help Micro with invention making, they love your submissions! They're really amazing & helpful for missions & support for a few sidekicks!" Hatsume immediately got happy

"Really?!" she nodded

"Really." she cheered & hugged Chris, caught her off by surprise, she let her go & jumped over to her work table

"I'm gonna be working on a few more projects then!" Chris gave her a thumbs up

"Good luck."


= Jitami Christian =

"Techtress! Hellooo!!"

"Shut up, I'm here! Stop yelling like a fucking parakeet for fuck sakes!!" I yell into the earpiece, very pissed off at Sai

"Whoa whoa Chris! Calm down!" I inhale deeply as I squeeze the bridge of my nose "Yo Chris, what's got you in a bad mood? Your not acting like your usual perking self!"

"Sai-kun has a point, I don't personally like you but I don't exactly hate you either." Chiyo said, I roll my eyes

"Is that suppose to make me feel better?" I hear her sigh

"Let me finish. I'm worried that this attitude is going to effect the future & your well being! Maybe we should all met up so we can comfort you." I just sense them all nod their heads, I just sigh & let my legs dangle off the edge of the building I was sitting on & let them ramble on to make me feel better

'Maybe if they left me alone...'

I sigh again as I lean back on my hands & look up at the sky, by my orders I sent my sidekicks out to find Kyros & Daichi, technically my uncle told me to do it so he could see, or even better, talk to his brother again. Apparently Kyros disappeared a few months after my mother got married to my father, he didn't say a word... he just packed up everything & left

I scowl & look back down at the people, I tap the rims of my glasses & watch as the frames glowed a blue hue, I scanned all the people my eyes set upon but there was nothing, I shook my head

"This is just a waste of time..." I mutter as I stood up

"Did you find anything, Techtress? Everything is clear in my region." Mae said "Nothing but people doing absolutely nothing, its boring."

"You said it!" I wince a bit when Kotarou screamed that "We're looking for two villains that could actually be somewhere else in the country!"

"I heard a fellow hero asked Mr Micro to do this as a favor." Hitoshi said, Neito hummed

"I believe it was the Animal Hero: Beast! Apparently he knows who the Smoke Demon is."

"Is that so..." I said in a bored tone

"I also heard he is your uncle..."

"The Smoke Demon is your uncle?!?!" Kotarou screamed, making me wince & grasp my ear in pain

"No you moron! The Animal Hero is!" suddenly there was a crash

"What was that?!" Hitoshi was the one to answer

"Its him! I got a visual on the Psychopath!" I look over to where Hiroshi's location was & I sweat drop when a car was seen thrown into the air "There's no way I can keep up with him! He's too fast!"

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