Chapter Twenty Three - Helene's POV

Start from the beginning

"My Sweet Little Helene!" my mother exclaimed, as she threw her arms around me in a warm embrace. "Oh, how I have missed you! The house simply has not been same without you!"

"I missed you too, Mama," I replied, putting down my suitcase and returning the hug.

"How was your trip?" she asked, after she had finally released me from her arms.

I explained to her how the Edward's had basically treated me like a Princess, even going so far as to serve me breakfast in bed some mornings when I accidentally slept in and missed breakfast. I knew that I had already told them about the Edwards and their hospitality towards me, as well as the interesting events that had taken place while I was there, so there was not terribly much to tell. Although, I had been told that Alexander and his family had not received access to my letters, so I would still have to tell them all about it.

"Where is Papa?" I asked.

Mama rolled her eyes. "He is in the study with his nose glued to another blasted book. I do not believe he is even aware that you have returned."

I laughed at her remark. She often became terribly annoyed by father and his love of reading. She claimed that when he became engulfed in a good book, it was as if he became a hermit, locking himself away in his study where no one would disturb him. As much as he loved his grandchildren, he found them to be a bit too noisy and irritating when he wished to focus on reading. I was really the only one who was ever permitted to enter his study, mostly because he knew that I respected his quiet time.

With a big grin, I approached the study and knocked on the door. "I am nearly finished, Johanna!" came the reply.

Opening the door just enough to slip inside. Sitting at his desk as usual, with his nose in an old dusty book, was none other than my grey-haired father. "It must be an interesting book."

He immediately looked up when he heard my voice. "Dornröschen? I was not aware that you had returned," he said, with one of his rare smiles.

"I just got back," I informed him, walking over to him and giving him a quick hug. "Mr. Gilmore sends his regards."

"I am surprised that he did not follow you in."

To be honest, so was I. However, as I thought about it, the reason dawned on me. Earlier this morning, when we had left the train station, Mrs. Gilmore had been complaining about the sun being too bright, claiming that it was giving her a headache. I could only imagine that was the reason why they had not stayed a bit longer to greet my family.

He shook his head when I told him my theory. "That woman always seems to have a headache."

That was when I heard the all too familiar sound of little feet running through the house. Before long, Giselle came rushing into the room, flinging herself into my arms when she saw me. The ferocity of the hug she gave me told me just how much she had missed me, and it warmed my heart greatly. Surely she had to be the sweetest niece that any aunt could have been blessed with.

"Did you bring me back any presents?" was the first question that she asked.

Not even a moment later, Alexander followed her into the room, carrying Henry in his arms. "Giselle, let your aunt breathe for a moment before you start demanding presents!" he scolded.

Giselle began to pout, but it quickly disappeared when I informed her that I had actually brought back a gift for her and Henry. In the blink of an eye, she had jumped out of my arms and ran out of the room. She returned moments later, pulling my suitcase along behind her. Giggling at the sight of her struggling, I took it from her and setting it down flat on the floor, bent down and opened it up.

"I have a new toy train for Henry," I said, pulling out the little wooden toy and handing it up to my little nephew, who gurgled with delight as he began to beat his father's arm with it.

Alexander winced in pain. "You did not have to get them anything you know," he insisted.

"I would not be a very good aunt if I did not get them anything, and besides, I really do not mind spending my money on them. There was not much that I really wanted anyway." That was true enough. Besides, I did not feel like telling them about the expensive dress that Anne had purchased for me. At least, not yet anyway.

"What did you get me?" Giselle interrupted.

Digging into my suitcase once more, I pulled out a brand new doll from under one of my dresses. "Will this do?" I asked, handing her the doll.

"She is beautiful!" Giselle exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

"You have nothing for your favourite brother?" Alexander teased.

"I simply do not think that you would look good in a dress," I joked.

He pulled a face at me. Clearly he did not find my joke to be funny. It was good to be home again. Living in London for a month with the Edwards had taught me to appreciate what I have. Wealth and nobility was not everything that I had imagined. Even though my life involved a lot more hard work, I would never change it when it came to family.

"You mentioned that Mr. Gilmore's sister was throwing a masquerade ball in your letter. How did that turn out?" Father asked.

I blushed at the very thought of it. I still could not believe that Jonathan had actually kissed me. It would seem that he had changed his mind at nearly the same time I had. "It was wonderful," I said as enthusiastically as I could. The ball had been wonderful, but now that it was over, I was uncertain of what lay ahead for me. Mrs. Gilmore would never accept me and I did not expect her to. I finally knew how it felt to love someone that you could never be with. It was only one more thing that I had in common with Caroline.

In addition to this, I was quite worried about how Jonathan and Matthew's friendship would fare if Matthew ever discovered what had happened. Matthew was quite prone to reckless behaviour when upset, and after seeing how he acted when I broke his heart, I was afraid to see what he might be like when he uncovered the truth. A question began to float around my head like an annoying fly: What exactly would he do when he found out? 

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