Chapter 1

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It's been a few days since the Dark Matter visited on another planet. Where the head of thieves, Boros had thought he meet his challenge there. Though no one on the planet hardly proved to be capable of keeping with his caliber. His ship would continue to cruise through the galaxy. The blue male Boros would be walking down through the halls of his large ship. He would be heading over to the control room to see if there was anything new. Entering upon the area of the ship that was full of data and screenery. He would find the few of his men busy, his main eye that took up have of his face would scan around the room before the lord open his mouth to speak. "Have any of you catch any sights of any planets within our radar, or anything that may lie within my interest?" Boros spoke as he ask the men within his room. The man knew himself that he won't be facing any planet nor a different life form for while as his visit the last planet hadn't happened not to long ago. Though he was aching to seek for that challenge.

"Nothing has come up yet, or anything unusual in the slightest." One of the thieves spoke as he was looking down at the grid coordinates within the readings of the ship. He would then turn his head to look at his leader. "Lord Boros are you sure you want to continue this quest? We not only went from planet to planet but went even far beyond reaching other galaxies as there is no one to match up with your power I'm afraid. Perhaps you should give it a rest, my Lord." He spoke, hoping the blue male dawned in golden armor would listen to him. Just like the others among the ship, he didn't believe that there would be anyone that would oppose as a challenge to Boros, but his lord was persistent on finding someone worthy to rival against his strength.

"Very well, I will try as much to relax for now. Though my search for my suitable challenger will not rest." The pink haired male spoke before he left the room. Boros would find himself alone in the never ending halls within his ship. Each step he made had echoed out through the empty halls. He would pass by one of the others or two that would be patrolling the area but it mostly was Boros, himself. Soon enough, he would hear a voice call to his attention. "Oh there you are, my one and only lord that I've been looking for." Boros would turn his attention towards the owner of his voice as his sight would meet a purple skinned woman that happened to be floating within the halls of his ship. "You must tired of wandering around, I haven't seen you relax before our last visit to the planet that's been destroyed. Come with me my lord, the girls and I will keep you company." She spoke as she would touch the very arm of the tall male before her as she would grab onto it.

"Lead the way, Xama. I suppose I can due with a bit of relaxation." Boros spoke to the purple woman in response. Not that he didn't like the idea of it, but he felt like it was something that he could do with or without. Something that was nice to have but not necessarily needed. The young woman grinned as she would brush away a light pink lock that was in the way of her magenta orbs. He would allow her to lead him down into one of the chambers. Entering upon the room was large steaming pond of water, accompanied with a few aliens of many species that he took in that would take part of being with the Dark Matter. Of course with him being leader and captain of the ship, Boros would capture the attention of many others. "A pleasure to see you here, Lord Boros. Come on in and join us, the water is fine." The few women within the steaming water spoke as they looked at the blue armored male. Not only looking up at him as a powerful being but a leader that is to be respected.

Boros went head in and would remove the golden armor that was covering his torso. His armor was made like a seal for his immense and deadly power, though he only took it off on occasions when it wasn't need in such moments like this. One of the woman within the area took the armor that he removed to set in the safe place while he would step into the body of steaming hot water, which only came up to the blue's waist. The heat he was feeling that touched against his skin made Boros relax. The woman around would begin to spur with many compliments on his power and his body. This would usually fuel the ego for any other man, though for Boros there wasn't much ego to boost when one is the strongest in the universe.

As Boros would spend the time in the chambers, another person would arrive to the room as heels would be heard clicking against the floor, loudly. He looked over to see as his blue orb would meet golden ones that belonged to another member of the Dark Matter. "My apologies for interrupting your fun Lord Boros but from the control room, the coordinates within our area readings of the ship DR-460 that went missing long ago." Once the purple skinned alien informed him of the current situation, he became a bit interested as to hearing this. 'Could it be really her? Why has she decided to come back here?' The overlord's thoughts would begin to spin with question before he would speak again.

"Do you have anymore intel on this, Antopye?" Boros wanted to be sure if the ship did carry the said person he was thinking about. From the woman's wrist gadget, she would bring up a holographic screen that would appear before them that would show the details of where the ship was located and such as the readings showed no more than two passengers on the ship. "Send troops to bring them in, I want to know more why they are present here out of all other times," As he delivered his orders, Antopye would bow towards her leader before leaving the room to send out the message and giving out demands to the others. Some troops would be gathered to take on smaller ships as they would fly out to meet their guests.

The women around him would frown as he would begin to get up and step out of the pool as he would leave to dry himself and get dressed once again. One of the ladies would approach him while he was getting his armor back on. "Come on Lord Boros, don't you wish to say longer? I mean, your men got it covered while you can chill out with us." She spoke, trying to convince her Lord to stay with them. "I can't soak in water all day, especially the guest I expect won't likely be just a normal bypasser." Boros spoke before he finally left the room. The person he was thinking of was Ctecri, an old member that was on the ship. A member that was quite loyal but not very talkative,he remember having horrible dealing with her constant outbursts of rage. Luckily he was able to deal and put up with it.

He wonder why the enraged woman he hadn't seen in years that abandoned the group as to why she returned and the accomplice that she would have alongside within the ship. All his questions would be answered sooner than he would think.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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