"And why would you do that?" He asked looking bored.

"To have a conversaton. Just a simple comversation." i said. he stood up and walked closer to me, Curiousity was written all over his face.

"A conversation? With me?" he said touching the glass.

"Yes." i said.

"Why?" he said sitting back down

"You intrigue me. I want to know what is going through your mind." i said,

"Then you have come on a lost cause. I will not release any information to you." he said narrowing his eyes.

"You're a pathetic human and I shouldnt be waisting my time on you." he said. I nodded and looked at him again. I stood and turned to leave,

"But you arnet exactly human, Are you? What you did in germany was.. Interesting." he said.

"Thanks" i said rolling my eyes.

"Im still human though. I just have... Super human abilities. And i have the misfortune of living forever." i said.

"Forever? How so?" he asked.

I thought for a minute, Maybe i shouldnt tell him.. I decided to tell him anyway. he can gain no use from my backround. I told him the story of my friend, And the experiment. Loki was lost in my story, It captivated him.

After i finished tell me story he gave me a real smile, He was very attractice. The way his eyes glinted in the light.

"Thats very interesting." he said. I nodded and contiuned to think. Maybe if i could gain his trust, He would slip secrets to me, Or even stop what he is doing and join us...

Loki and i had continued our conversation, I heard Natasha come up behind me.

"Yes Agent Romanoff?" i asked without looking at her.

"How did you..?" She asked.

"Your electrical currents. I can feel them. I have grown acustom to them" i said looking at her. She nodded.

"Were needed in the meeting room" she said. I nodded and she began o wlak away. I started after her, But not before i turned my head and glance at Loki, He flashed me another smiled and i felt my heart skip a beat.

I took a seat in one of the chairs at the meeting table.

"Finally! We've been looking everywhere for you!" Steve said. He flashed me a smiled and i returned it.

"We searched everywhere, And finally someone had enough sence to ask the director, And he told us you've been pestering the prisoner." Tony said.

"I wouldnt say pestering. Ive been trying to gain the trust of the Asgardian to see if he would trust me enough to feed me anything we could use to fins the tesseract." i said.

"Thats a good plan" Steve said.

"Men always trust the pretty ones." he finished smiling at me again.

"Unless your agent Romanoff, Then no" Dr. Banner said.

"I always did say i can only trust her as far as i can throw her" Tony said and we all broke into a chorus of laughter.

"So, What are we here for exactly?" i asked.

"Well, Were here to discuss Loki" Thor said.

"Why is he doing all of this?" Steve asked

"Loki plans to become the ultimate ruler of earth. He has an army called the Chitauri. They are not of your world, Or mine, Or any other known. He means to lead them in war against your people and take over the earth. And i guess its all in trade for the tesseract. You mortal should have left it in the ocean." thor said.

"Wait, So Loki has an army, From outterspace?" Steve asked amazed. Thor nodded.

"In order for the army to get here, He would need to create a portal, Thats what he need Erik Selvig for. It all make sense now." Dr. Banner said.

"Erik selvig?" Thor asked in confusion.

"Erik is an amazingly skilled astrophysicist." Dr. Banner said.

"Ah. He is... A friend." Thor said softly.

"Loki has him under the same mind control Barton is under." Natasha said softly.

'What im wondering is why Loki let us take him so easily. he inst going to be leading an army from here." Steve said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I dont think Loki is what we should be focusing on, the guy is border line insane." Dr. banner said.

"Loki may be beyond reason, but he is of the land of Asgard and my brother." Thor said clearly angry.

"He managed to kill 80 people in a span of two days." Natasha said raising an eyebrow.

"What a wonderful vbrother you have" i said yawning.

"He's adopted." Thor said embaressed.

"Whatever you say. Im going to bed. Wake me if you need me." i said standing up. No one stopped me as i left the room. I walked to my chambers and climbed into bed, Still wearing my suit.

Live to Rise. (Loki Love story)Where stories live. Discover now