My belly had grown quite a bit and there was an obvious baby bump. Liam still hadn't woke up and I was worried that he might not ever wake. I had been staying at the hospital day after day and night after night because I wanted to be the first person to see his eyes open. The boys would visit everyday but they had to continue working on the new album that they were making. With each day that Liam stayed unconscious I would have less and less hope. The doctors said that he was getting better but I had a hard time believing them. Louis said that I was being just being pessimist and expecting the worst. I was eating my take-out dinner with Niall that he brought for me one day when Liam's finger started to move slightly. I jumped up and ran to his bedside and held his hand. I started to whisper words of encouragement in his ear to try and assist him in waking up. His eyes fluttered open and I smiled huge. Niall ran out of the room to get nurses. Liam looked at me and smiled. "I love you" he choked out in a raspy voice. " I love you too, forever and always" I replied. "forever an always" he whispered in return. I started crying tears of joy and he wiped them away with his thumb. Nail ran back into the room with the doctor, the doctor did all of his tests on Liam. The doctor asked us to leave the room so we did as he told us and took that as our opportunity to call the other boys and tell them the good news. They all came to the hospital and we went into his room to see him. We were all so happy and relieved that Liam had finally woken. I was standing at his bedside when he took a good look at me he quickly looked up and down my body and then did a double take at my tummy. The other boys had noticed and they excused themselves from the room. Liam looked at me his eyes full of question and hurt. I realized that he probably thought that it wasn't his so I quickly said " don't worry babe it's yours. It happened the night that we got engaged and I wanted to tell you the night that you got back but.. Well you know" I waited for his response but his face was blank. I started to get worried until his face turned into the biggest smile that I had ever seen. I spent every day and night with him in the hospital. He still wasn't well enough to come home. The nurses had brought an extra bed into the room for me. The boys came to visit daily. I was discussing with the doctor how Liam was doing and the doctors face got very serious. " Liam seems to be getting worse as the days progress. I don't think he will be able to be around for very much longer. I give him 3 weeks. I am so sorry" I told Liam what the doctor had said and he refused to be negative. He told me that we needed to have a good time while he still could. We would sit everyday and talk about the future we were going to have together. It was easier to believe that Liam was going to make it when we made plans for our future. One day we were talking. About baby names Liam was dead set on Buzz for a boy but I refused to name my child that. He started to list off all of the characters named in Toy Story and I finally decided that Andy for a boy and Jessie for a girl would not be so bad. He was overjoyed that I had agreed to name our child after Toy Story characters. We planned put the rest of our lives together. We would have a house on a hill side and we would stay there forever and always through all of the good and bad times through rich or poor and we would love each other beyond when we grew old. Forever and Always. I went to the doctor for an ultra sound and found out that I was to have twins! One boy and one girl. I prayed that Liam would be able to meet both of his children, Andy and Jessie. I told him when I got back from the appointment and he was ecstatic. As the days went by he was getting weaker and weaker and his 3 weeks were nearly up. He decided that he would make a video for me to show Andy and Jessie of him giving them a message. I pressed record and he said " I am so sorry that I couldn't make it to see you. I am so proud of the both of you and I love you. Always remember that I am with you even if not physically. " I had to hold back tears while I was recording. " you will both grow up to be beautiful just like your mother. And please take care of her she loves you very much. Your Uncles Harry Louis Niall and Zayn also love you very much and will help take care of you. I love you and goodbye" I pressed stop and burst into tears. I don't know what I would do without Liam. He was my rock. I knew that I wanted to be married to him before he passed so I called Harry and asked him to buy rings for the both of us and get a nice bow tie for Liam and a small veil for me and for him and the rest of the boys to come dressed up. I called the Chaplin and the boys all arrived. He said some verses and I said mine "I want you forever, forever and always whether happy or sad or whatever we will still love each other forever and always. " We were all laughing and crying. We placed the rings on each others fingers and sealed the marriage with a kiss. We were officially married. Everybody left the room so I could have time with Liam alone. We just held hands and stared into each others eyes crying. Liam cleared his throat to talk to me and I noticed that the beeps on his heart monitor were getting slower and his voice was very low and he said " I love you forever, forever and always, please just remember even if I'm not there, I'll always love you forever and always" and with that the monitor went blank. I just started crying at his bedside, still holding his hand. The boys all came in and immediately grabbed me and got me to stand up. My knees gave out do Harry picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the room. One of the boys ran to get the doctor.


Everybody was dressed in black and huddled around the hole that Liam was going to get lowered into. The boys and I were huddled together all holding onto each other letting the tears flow down our faces. Their song moments played as the casket was lowered. When it was all the way down I stepped forward bent down slowly, grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it on top of the casket. the other boys all stepped forward in unison and did the same as I did.


" I can't believe that Andy and Jessie are already one month old." Louis said with a huge grin across his face. Harry was holding Andy and Zayn was holding Jessie. Andy looked just as Liam had when he was a child and Jessie as me. Harry and Niall were sitting on either side of me. I had moved in with the boys after Liam had passed. Liam left all of his money with me so I could care for our children properly. Liam's family came to visit the kids and I as much as possible. The boys cared for Andy and Jessie as their own. Andy's first word was Dada and I burst into tears as soon as he said it. I ran to my bedroom and stayed there the night, crying myself to sleep. Jessie's first word was Louis. She had really taken a liking towards him and would always crawl all over him any chance she got. Louis loved the attention and loved Jessie. As soon as they started asking questions of who their father was I told them all about Liam and how wonderful he was. We visited his grave every wednesday with the boys and would bring fresh flowers each time. on their tenth birthday I showed them the video that Liam made for them. The boys watched it with us and we were all crying. I hugged Andy and Jessie while they cried into me. I was glad that they had the boys to be their father figures. We hired a personal teacher for when the boys went on tour so that we could join them. At every show they would have a tribute to Liam and the true Directioners would cry each time. I grew old and Andy and Jessie grew up. I never forgot about Liam or ever truly moved on. He had stays in my heart forever. Forever and always. ___________________________________________________________________________________ So let me know what you think. :) I added a link to the song so you can listen to it!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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