Some Ball

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(A ☆★ N.Sorry for interuppting the story but the picture up there is Mackenzie(Anna Kendrick) )

*Time skip  5 years later*

Mackenzie's POV

I was running to my bedroom and saw Rosie's owl tapping my window.I as usual opened it and a Pink letter dropped on my table.I gave it a treat and went down to my Aunt Hera.She was in her sitting room and i tapped the door."Come in"She said.I walked in and i saw she had an ideantical letter in her hand"I see rosie gave you one"She said polietly.I smiled and nodded"Have you opened it"She asked.I simply said"No""Together"She said.Once we opened it my Grey eyes read the Letter

You are invited to the Royal Potter-Weasley Masquerade Ball

Includes Royal Buffet,Entertainment and the traditional Masquerade Sword dance

Bring your own sword and wear a Mask

Begins at 8:oo pm The Twenty-Fifth of August


Potter-Weasley Clan

Aunt Hera grinned and went out to inform Dad and get us some new dresses.While i groaned and muttered"I HATE Dresses and Heels"I muttered plus August 25 is three days from today.

I walked to the courtyard for Weapon lessons with Alex"Hey Mack"Alexander said.I gripped my Sword it was  a regular sword made with bronze.I smirked as i began fighting him."Geez Mack lighten up"He said striking my sword.I deflected his hit and said"When Aunt Hera let's me wear Converse then i will".Me and Alex came back to the castle sweating"Mackenzie hurry up for your fitting"Aunt Hera said.I sighed and followed her till i saw Eleanor standing still and a Girl measuring her.She smiled at me and beckoned me forward.I stood on the stand as she measured me"She iz zone"Madame Leyane said in her French accent.I jumped down happily and went to the libary and began studying.

"Mack Wake up Wake up It's Today"Eleanor,My lady in waiting/cousin chirped happily.I groaned and checked the clock 8:oo am."Shiz i have Greek classes"I said jolting up and changed into a  Tardis sweatshirt and jeans.I dashed across the palace to Proffesor Stark's Class.After all my classes Aunt Hera called me into her quarters at 4:oo.I sat beside Eleanor as Our stylists began doing our Make up and hair.

I looked at myself in the mirror.Somehow they made my grey eyes pop against my olive skin.I was wearing a soft midnight blue ball gown but my mask was fire red.My hair was in a braid and had a few highlights of blue and red.Eleanor was wearing a sea green gown and had a water blue mask.While Aunt hera and Eleanor walked with ease i had a hard time walking with Heels.Once we reached dad,Jason,Nico and Alexander.He handed me my sword and i fastened it to the side of my belt and walked to the carriage

*Basically the ride was boring apart from Eleanor and Aunt Hera's excited chatter*

I was the last to get out of the carriage.Aunt Hera made sure we were together once we entered then she allowed us to Mingle and roam around.I walked away from them and began exploring.While exploring someone poked me.I turned around and saw"Rosie"I said as she hugged me.After she let go of me and dragged me to the Banquet."Mack you have to dance"She said smirking"Then you have to dance with someone"I said.We both agreed she went to dance with a guy who had Blond hair and grey eyes.

I looked for someone to dance with then the sword dance began.I got my sword and someone approached me.He had chocolate brown hair and eyes."Would you care for a dance"He said smirking.I looked around and saw no one was available"Sure"i muttered boredly.He brought out his sword and i did as well and danced err fought."Your good for a girl"He said once we were done"I'm James"."Mackenzie"I said a small smile tugging my lips

We chatted a bit till a guy who looked almost like him except with almond-shaped green eyes.James smirked and chatted with him more like teased while i ate some fruit dipped in chocolate.I heard coughing and saw Rosie smiling with same blonde dude as earlier."Hey,Scor"Albus said.The Blonde smiled and waved.Then soon Eleanor came and muttered"Mum said we have to go now".I was surprised,"Why so early ?"I thought but Eleanor took my hand and pulled me with her.We both got in the carriage with my family and left the ball.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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